What do you do when a serial killer crashes your party? Find out tonight on Eye Candy, season 1, episode 5, “IRL”.

‘IRL’ synopsis

The Eye Candy episode titled “IRL” airs tonight at 10 p.m. ET on MTV. The episode synopsis reads:

A media mogul throws a party at IRL to encourage New Yorkers to not be afraid.

‘IRL’ clips

For those of you who might have missed last week’s episode, allow us to catch you up. You can either read our recap, or if you prefer, you can watch for yourself on YouTube or MTV.com.

Now that everyone is all caught up, you can watch the clips below!

Eye Candy episode 5, ‘IRL,’ Official Promo

In tonight’s episode of Eye Candy, it looks as though Lindy is the one that has the bright idea to host a serial killer party — designed to lure in the killer so they can catch them once and for all. But apparently things don’t go exactly according to plan, because A) there is definitely a dead body pictured in that promo, and B) well, watch the video below.

’Eye Candy’ episode 5, ‘IRL,’ sneak peek #1

So yeah. The girls have definitely been taken by surprise. And although Lindy may have expected the serial killer to show, can we be totally certain that the serial killer she’s been hunting is the one that actually arrived?

’Eye Candy’ episode 5, ‘IRL,’ sneak peek #2

In the last clip of the week, two things should stand out to you. First — PUPPY! Second, what in the world could “Happy Anniversary Bubonic” mean? Guess we’ll have to wait until tonight to know for sure. But it seems like a message for Tommy specifically.

More ‘Eye Candy’

If any of these videos have sparked your curiosity, you can find more about Eye Candy below:

-Use this handy dandy guide to get more of your friends to start watching Eye Candy
-Make sure you don’t miss the Eye Candy cast interrogate each other in this behind the scenes extra!
-And lastly, if you want to check out some teasers and spoilers for what’s to come, make sure you read our recaps here and here.

Watch ‘Eye Candy’ online

If you can’t catch Eye Candy as it airs on MTV each week, you can watch the show online for free the next day at YouTube or MTV.com. Additionally, you can also purchase the episodes from iTunes and Amazon’s Instant Video service.