Creators Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond preview four major themes fans should keep an eye on in The Dragon Prince season 2.

Alongside quirky humor and unnervingly fetching character design, the powerful themes running through The Dragon Prince are one element that especially distinguishes the animated series. The show’s first season was powered by and dealt with concepts like revenge, cyclical violence, and overcoming prejudice, fitting for a story where geopolitics muddled constantly with personal relationships.

Now, with The Dragon Prince season 2 arriving on Friday, creators Aaron Ehasz and Justin Richmond offer fans a hint at the four major themes driving the new season. As Callum, Ezran, and Rayla continue their mission to return the Dragon Prince to his mother, and Claudia and Soren pursue the princes, and Lord Viren makes his own calculations back in Katolis, keep an eye out for concepts of a more personal — but no less world-shaking — nature.

Trust: “There are themes of trust,” says Ehasz, “Especially in new relationships and new friendships where secrets are being kept.”

Self-Determination: “Hey, the world is telling me this is how I’ve gotta be. How do I chose and determine my own path?” Ehasz asks. “Do you I really have the power to do that, or is the world going to make me what I’m going to end up [becoming]?”

Self-Knowledge: “I think there are themes about understanding your own potential and power through self-understanding — that by understanding who you are, and how you fit into the world, that translates into power.”

Challenge and Growth: “I think there are also some very hard things that the characters face,” Ehasz says. “Real, sad, tragic things. And they’re not wild fantasy things. They’re things that all of us face in our lives as humans in this world, right? So I think there are themes around what it means to face hard things and be strong and grow up.”

All in all, it seems like there is definitely some bitter work ahead of the characters of The Dragon Prince season 2. (At least there will be an adorable baby dragon to keep them company though, right?)

Ehasz tops off his ominous tease by summing up the season in five words: “How will they stay together?” he offers. Richmond, meanwhile, is a little more optimistic. What’s to come in The Dragon Prince season 2?

“Even more awesome stuff,” he promises.

The Dragon Prince season 2 comes to Netflix on Feb. 15.