Teen Wolf took everyone by surprise with its on-point humor, lovable characters, and excellent story. At Hypable, it’s safe to say we’re fans, and as such, we’ve decided to throw a little celebration in the show’s honor.

After the success of our Month of Merlin project, we couldn’t resist taking on another show and spending a whole month or more waxing lyrical about why we love it.

So…why ‘Teen Wolf’?

The real question is, why not?

Teen Wolf is truly that little show that could. It had everything stacked against it: It was on MTV, a channel better known for its reality TV than its scripted dramas; it was about werewolves, which were (and still kind of are) on their way out; and it was based on a really bad ’80s movie.

Yet for those few people that gave it a chance from the beginning, they discovered something hidden and magic, something that shouldn’t have worked, but did.

Maybe it’s because we love underdogs, or maybe it’s because this writer’s fangirling has slowly but surely convinced much of the Hypable staff to give the show a chance, but we decided there was no time like the present to give Teen Wolf a virtual party that even Lydia would be proud of.

What does ‘Teen Wolf’ Takeover involve?

Anything and everything! We’re going to have columns and interviews, ideas for a Teen Wolf party, speculation for the second half of season 3, and fun infographics. Everyone that writes an article for the Takeover is a huge fan of the show, so expect tons of quality content from multiple Hypable staffers.

This is a way to spread the word about Teen Wolf, connect with fellow fans, and celebrate one of our favorite shows in a way that it deserves.

What can YOU do?

Are you interested in contributing? We’d love to have your input! You can write your own Teen Wolf columns by submitting them via the News By You option, and they may even show up on the front page of the site.

On top of this, make sure you use the #TeenWolfTakeover tag on Twitter and the Teen Wolf Takeover tag on Tumblr — we’ll be checking both of them regularly to capture everyone’s reactions. You can also keep an eye on our Not Another Teen Wolf Podcast Twitter and Tumblr to keep up to date with everything that’s going on with the Takeover. We’ll be talking to you guys, teasing upcoming articles, and generally just having a blast spreading the Teen Wolf love.

What if you don’t watch ‘Teen Wolf’?

What are you waiting for??

But, hey, we don’t blame you. The whole teenage werewolf thing is a little hard to get past, but we have a way for you to participate in the Takeover as well. If you (or one of your friends or family members) don’t watch the show and don’t really know much about it, feel free to send drawings or messages to Kyle@Hypable.com explaining what you think the show is about.

Kyle is going to be collecting emails, as well as Tweets from the #TeenWolfTakeover hashtag, from people who haven’t seen the show yet. He’ll be putting them in a post at some point during the Takeover, along with a special drawing from one of our own staff members that hasn’t quite jumped on the bandwagon yet.

Hilarity is sure to ensue, so make sure you use all of your knowledge of Teen Wolf to describe what you think it’s about in as much detail as possible.

When does the Takeover start?

Tomorrow, June 24, is our official start date. Look for some amazing articles to fill up the Hypable home page until July 22, which is when the highly anticipated episode 8, titled “Visions,” will air, giving us a look at more of Derek’s past. That’s when the Takeover will end, and you can definitely expect us to go out with a bang.

Keep checking back!

Below you’ll find a master list of all the articles we’ve published for the Takeover, so keep checking back from time to time to make sure you’ve read them all!

Dating profiles for the ladies
Have you noticed a lot of the characters on Teen Wolf are single this season? We’d thought we’d help them out by whipping up dating profiles for a few of them. First up, the ladies!

Dating profiles for the guys
We couldn’t leave the guys out of the picture, so we made sure we drew up profiles for each of them as well. Even Deucalion made the list!

If Beacon Hills were Hogwarts
It’s a fan-favorite pastime to put characters from other worlds under the Sorting Hat to see what Houses they’ll end up in. Some of the Teen Wolf characters were easy to place — others, not to much!

Five plots that could make Teen Wolf: The Movie a reality
We really want to see Teen Wolf: The Movie happen after the show is over and done with, so we thought we’d help out the creative team by giving them five possible plot points to build off of.

Why Sterek should and should not become canon
Hypable staff writer Kyle tackles a huge topic when he asks the question, should Sterek become canon? Listing three reasons why it should and why it shouldn’t, he jumps head first into the debate.

Why we love the adults of Teen Wolf
So many reasons, so little time! The kids are, of course, the main focus of Teen Wolf, but can you even imagine what the show would be like without Mama McCall or Sassy Uncle Peter? We sure can’t!

The best and worst werewolves in modern TV/film history
You can’t have a month all about Teen Wolf without looking at the rest of the werewolves in recent pop culture. There have been quite a few favorites, and a handful of crazies too.

Ten songs we can’t get enough of
Teen Wolf is known for its great selection of music, and in this article two of the Hypable staff members narrow their favorite songs down to just five each.

Stiles and bisexuality
Stiles Stilinski, perhaps the most loved character on Teen Wolf – who just may happen to be bisexual. An unusual set of elements that offers a rare opportunity.

We knew they looked familiar: Teen Wolf Edition
A quick look at some of the other places you may have seen your favorite Teen Wolf faces.

A history of werewolves in pop culture
We provide an awesome infographic to show you a selection of some of the most famous werewolves across the years.

Scott McCall is season 3’s M.V.P.
In this News By You post, a Hypable reader tells us why Scott has come a long way since season 1.