Even though it just started, we can already tell that we’re going to love iZombie. Why? Because it’s a Rob Thomas creation and the man has style.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Rob Thomas, in our opinion, is on par with Scorcese and Whedon. He has a style that’s all his own and he even has his own actor gallery (that we seriously love). (We also love that he loves when we compare him to Scorcese and Whedon.)

We’re so excited to have iZombie on our screens because we get the chance to fully immerse ourselves in a Rob Thomas universe once again. While iZombie may be based off of a comic series, we still fully expect Thomas to make it all his own. If the pilot is any indication, we’re thinking that we’re going to love the iZombie universe as much as we love the Veronica Mars universe.

Not that we don’t want to be fully surprised by everything that iZombie throws at us, there are a few things that we hope and expect to see in this new Rob Thomas series.

Explorations of taboo topics

Among his many talents, Rob Thomas has a knack for introducing and dealing with touchy subjects such as rape, child abuse, and racial tensions. Not only that, but he does them well. While the plotlines are never perfect, they’re important. After the case of the week in the pilot episode where Liv gets inside the mind of a call girl, we’re confident that iZombie will follow the same path. Since Liv is able to see and feel the memories of every brain she’s eaten, the possibilities of touchy topics the show can explore are endless.

More cameos from Thomas’ actors gallery

Specifically, Jason Dohring and/or Ryan Hansen. Please and thank you. We loved the Daran Norris cameo in the pilot. So much. We may or may not have squealed “CLIFF!” at our screen as soon as he showed up. Rob Thomas has a specific set of actors that he calls on a lot and we love every single one of them. His favorite actors always make us so happy whenever we see even a glimpse of their faces on our screen. We’ve read about one actor that will be popping up sometime soon (we won’t spoil it for you) and we cannot wait!

Crazy plot twists that we should’ve seen coming

We can’t really talk about the awesome twists and turns in previous Rob Thomas productions, but that would be mean. However, we can say that they’re awesome. And smart. And out-of-the blue, yet totally founded. Since iZombie is a crime drama, supernatural drama, and comedy, there are so many possibilities for twists and turns. Who knows, someone Liv knows or becomes close to may have had a hand in her transformation. Or, Liv’s ex-fiance could have had some sort of supernatural run-in in the past. But, of course, since we’re theorizing those, they won’t actually happen…

Witty and entertaining voiceovers

The whole voiceover thing either works or fails miserably. For instance, the first few episodes of The Vampire Diaries had a lot of voiceover by the main characters, especially when they were writing in their diaries. However, neither the voiceovers nor the constant journaling really lasted very long because they weren’t that great. However, Rob Thomas and his crew are experts on voiceovers. They worked so well for Veronica Mars and they seem to fit in really well in iZombie. Because Liv can’t really discuss everything that’s going on with her with all of the people in her life, we’re looking forward to some really sassy voiceovers.

A deep dive into the show’s zombie lore

Veronica Mars gave us a great insight into the private eye business as well as the noir genre. We’re positive that iZombie will do the same for us with zombie lore, even though not all zombie lore is the same. Just like Warm Bodies has its own rich history for zombies, iZombie has the opportunity to not only establish its own rules but really explore their boundaries and different facets. Though we don’t expect to learn all of the secrets and rules right away like we did with Veronica Mars, we’re really looking forward to the journey.

Related: The new zombie concepts in ‘iZombie’

Great music that we never would’ve discovered ourselves

“We Used to Be Friends.” “I Want a House.” Give us a Rob Thomas/Slave Rats production and we can name off quite a few memorable songs that we were introduced to through it. Thomas has quite an ear for music. More than that, he has a talent of choosing the right music for the right moment. We expect no less of iZombie. It’s already pretty clear that the theme song is going to be one that we won’t be able to get out of our heads. Just a few more episodes and we’ll be singing it and quoting it in our everyday lives.

Interesting and dynamic relationships between characters

When it comes to writing relationships, Rob Thomas and his crew are miles above the rest. We expect to see not only interesting romantic relationships evolve on iZombie, but also friendships, family ties, and relationships between individuals who wouldn’t normally get along (a la Logan and Weevil). So few shows flesh out their characters as much as we’d like them to, but we’re positive that fleshed out characters won’t be a problem in iZombie (pun totally intended). After all, Liv’s coworker, immediately after finding out her secret, works to help her and be her friend, not harm her. And that was just in the pilot.

Sassy quotable lines

“I thought our story was epic, you know.” “Who’s your daddy?” “Yo, pops, check it out. This girl ain’t gonna be nobody’s bitch.” We could go on and on. Rob Thomas and his crew are the absolute best with dialogue. They create so many quotable lines that it’s impossible to try to pick a favorite. We’ve only seen one episode of iZombie and we already have gems like “I was a dead, alabaster badass!” and “I don’t have post-traumatic stress. I have post-traumatic ennui.” We can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.

What do you hope to see on ‘iZombie’ this season?

Related: ‘iZombie’ premiere recap: Eating brains and kicking ass