With the third season just around the corner, Voltron hit the stage at San Diego Comic-Con to tease a little more info ahead of the premiere.

Voltron: Legendary Defender returns to Netflix on August 4, 2017. And with some pretty significant reveals taking place over the course of its sophomore season, there’s plenty for fans to anticipate from Voltron’s third outing ahead of the premiere.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a Comic-Con without a teaser for the upcoming season — and this one is particularly… well, we’ll let you watch for yourselves.

This time it was the turn of executive producers Joaquim Dos Santos and Lauren Montgomery, as well as voice actors Bex Taylor-Klaus (Pidge) and Tyler Labine (Hunk), to provide fans with a few tidbits of information for the upcoming season.

  1. The season 3 premiere, which will debut with the rest of the season on August 4, 2017, is titled “Changing of the Guard.”
  2. Season 3 is going to be seven episodes long. The fourth season will be coming in October. The idea is to have shorter seasons more frequently. (We’re certainly not complaining about that.)
  3. The Galra and Team Voltron are dealing with significant losses — Zarkon for the former and Shiro for the latter. There’ll be some reconstructing on both sides of the war.
  4. Keith will take Shiro’s disappearance the hardest, but everyone on Team Voltron is generally affected by it. Shiro was the glue that held the team together — as long as he was there, you knew everything would be okay.
  5. Pidge has a deep drive and determination to find her family. She has more avenues to explore in her search in season 3.
  6. Hunk will keep the team together through the comfort of his food. The levity of those scenes, however, is juxtaposed against how dark this upcoming season is.
  7. Despite that, Hunk’ll still have moments to showcase his prowess as the Yellow Lion’s pilot — one of which comes in the premiere episode.
  8. There is an assumption that all Galra are the same, so The Blade of Marmora still won’t be trusted by most of the galaxy.
  9. A.J. LoCascio will be providing the voice of Prince Lotor.

  10. While Zarkon was, undeniably, an “evil dude,” Prince Lotor will have a completely different approach to his father. There’s more room to explore his motivations with the Voltron world being as established as it is.
  11. Season 3 will see much heavier female representation within the Galra. All of Lotor’s top generals will be female. They will also be half-breeds, as Lotor is much more open and accepting to that.
  12. A potential pilot for the Black Lion may not come from the team itself. As they are, none of the Paladins are fully ready for a leadership role in the way Shiro was.
  13. Voltron‘s first two seasons will be available for download on multiple stores from July 24.
  14. When questioned about Keith’s ethnicity, other than being part-Galra, Joaquim Dos Santos played coy, saying that they’re holding onto some things.
  15. In Lance’s family dynamic, he is the youngest sibling. However, he has many nieces and nephews that he helps to take care of.

If that wasn’t enough Voltron for you, we’ll have interviews with the cast and crew in attendance coming soon. As well as some teasers for the season 3 premiere.

Who do you think will take over as the leader of Team Voltron in Shiro’s absence?