This Friday, Veronica Mars will be hitting AMC movie theater screens and personal TV screens all around the world. With just a few days to go, there’s quite a bit of preparation that needs to be done before actually seeing the movie.

We don’t know about you, but even though we’ve had almost a year to process the fact that we are, in fact, getting a Veronica Mars movie, it still doesn’t seem real. At all. So, we realized that before going to see the movie or before streaming it in our living rooms, we first need to prepare our mental states as well as our general excitement levels.

“What’s the best way to prepare for Veronica Mars?” you may ask. Well, here are eight of the most important/best ways that you can make sure that you’re ready for the epicness that is Veronica Mars.

Watch the trailer on repeat.


Though you’ve probably seen the amazingly fantastic Veronica Mars movie trailer a billion and a half times by now, you can never really watch it too many times. After all, we always see new things that we’ve never seen before with every pass through. It took us quite a few times to spot Dax Shepard and even more times to try to figure out whose body was in the photo towards the end (note: we still haven’t been able to figure that one out). Mostly though, it’s just a wonderfully made trailer that deserves to be watched over and over again. It’s perfectly polished, timed, and edited. Watching it at least once a day between now and the premiere is the least you should do to prepare for the movie.

Invest in the soundtrack(s).


One of the best things about the Veronica Mars series (in addition to its amazing cast and witty dialogue) is its fantastic soundtrack and score. The show always featured such fresh, interesting music and had a pretty emotional score. Lucky for all of us, not only does the show have an official soundtrack, but the movie has an official soundtrack album AND score for us to purchase as well! While the score won’t be released until Friday when the movie comes out (in order to avoid spoilers), the soundtrack is now on sale on iTunes and Amazon. You can also stream the Veronica Mars soundtrack to decide whether or not you want to buy it (although we highly suggest it because it’s pretty good).

(Re)Watch the series.


Thanks to the technological advances/improvements that have happened over the last seven years, there are quite a few ways for you to either watch or rewatch the series, depending on if you’re a newbie or a super fan.

Don’t have time to rewatch the entire series? Then at least watch all of the important or best episodes, or your all-time favorites. We have a list of our favorite LoVe moments, if that helps. Still can’t decide which ones to watch? We’ve got an article about that! Also, not-so-shameless plug: Download and listen to our ReWatchable podcast and hear the theories and opinions of other newbies (and superfans). You may even learn a few things about the series as a whole that you didn’t pick up on at first.

BONUS: Play a drinking game while watching the show! Come up with your own rules and see how many episodes you can get through. Or, wait until our official Veronica Mars drinking game comes out on Thursday and use that for both your rewatch and your first time watching the movie (if you’re watching at home or are in a theater that allows/serves drinks).

Refresh yourself on the characters that you’ll see in the movie.

Lucky for you, we’ve already compiled a list of stars and characters that will be gracing the big screen in Veronica Mars. In fact, we not only added names to the list as Rob Thomas had announced them but also mentioned what was going on with them the last time we saw them, therefore saving you the hassle of researching all of the people who have been announced as cast members. You can find the entire list of characters and actors in our article, The Veronica Mars Movie characters: Do you remember them?”

Keep reading to check out our most entertaining suggestions!

Use ‘Veronica Mars’ lingo in your everyday life.


“Be cool, soda pop.” “Do you not instinctively fear me?” “Annoy tiny blonde one, annoy like the wind!” Veronica Mars quotes are so applicable to everyday life, aren’t they? It seems like, no matter the situation, it’s easy to find a quote that fits your needs or situation, whether it comes from Veronica, Logan, Dick, or someone else. What better way to celebrate the movie’s premiere and the continuation of such a beloved series than by quoting it endlessly? You’re probably already using Veronica Mars quotes in everyday life, so this should be too difficult for you.

Record ‘Inspirational Messages of the Day’ for your voicemail.


While Logan portrays himself as a tough guy at every chance he gets, his “Inspirational Messages of the Day” on his voicemail always gives us a glimpse into just how much we sometimes underestimate his character and intelligence. As a sort of countdown to the movie, record your own inspirational messages. Or, if you prefer, record a new Veronica Mars quote every day. Then, force people to call you instead of text you so that they can truly appreciate your quotes. Heck, you may even convert a few non-fans!

Make sure you’re up on your pop culture.


Veronica Mars (the TV series) is known for its witty banter and pop culture references (both obscure and obvious). So why shouldn’t we expect the same of the movie? The series ended its run in 2007, which means that, at the time of filming, they had about six years of pop culture to throw into their script. Our advice? Check out a few year-in-review videos or webpages and refresh yourself on what important pop culture events happened when. This will probably be the easiest item on our list, though, because you’re all Hypable readers which puts you ahead of the curve.

Dance around to ‘We Used to Be Friends’ for at least an hour every day.


Whether you choose the original version, season 3 version, the new soundtrack version, or another pumped up cut of “We Used to Be Friends,” you’re definitely going to want to listen to the song on repeat (if you haven’t been doing so already). It’s just so epic and does wonders for your heart rate. We don’t know about you, but we’ve used it to pump ourselves up on quite a few occasions (including on ReWatchable recording days). You don’t even have to dance along to the tune if you don’t want to. Singing loudly, bobbing your head, and making rhythmical hand movements would be more than enough. These moves would be perfectly suited for your drive to and from the theater (or while you’re waiting for the movie to load). Just sayin’.

How do you plan on preparing for the ‘Veronica Mars’ movie?