As pre-production in Cardiff continues to gear up, the names of two more season seven writers have been revealed. They are both returning veterans who have written multiple episodes in both the Davies and Moffat years.

The Chris Chibnall episode that first leaps to mind is the two-parter The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood which contains one of the more heartbreaking of Rory’s multiple deaths. He also wrote the episode entitled 42 during the David Tennant years.

Toby Whithouse (pictured above) previously penned one of the most popular Doctor Who episodes in the current reboot era: School Days (AKA the episode where Sarah Jane returns). He also wrote Vampires Of Venice and The God Complex once Moffat took over as showrunner. Additionally, he appeared on last year’s Comic Con panel alongside Matt Smith and Karen Gillan.

Whithouse commented to SFX:

Further to that, Whithouse confirmed to SFX at the Weekender that his script is currently planned as third episode of the new season, and – although he wouldn’t confirm if it was the final Amy & Rory story – he did suggest it would be “one of the final ones” (whatever that means…).

Whithouse and Chibnall join fellow Doctor Who veteran Mark Gatiss and newcomer John Fay to the writers line-up.

What do you make of episode number 3 being “one of the final ones”?