Drill makes a big move tonight on The Whispers, and while we can’t predict exactly how this will all play out, we know that a nuclear power plant is involved, so it’s serious business.

If you need a refresher on what happened in last week’s episode, “Collision,” check out our recap.

Drill has been mostly quiet these first few weeks, only using the kids to get him access to things and working toward having control over some pretty influential people through their children, but tonight’s episode, entitled “Meltdown,” involves a nuclear power plant, so it’s safe to say that Drill is upping his game as of tonight.

It’s clear that his plan involves Henry Bennigan, and from the looks of the sneak peek clip below, Henry will be somewhere near the power plant in order to play his part. Do you think Drill is sending Henry to distract Claire? Or John Doe? Or both?

Will John Doe be able to stop Drill before whatever he has planned comes to fruition? Will we find out more about who/what exactly Drill is? So many questions, but hopefully answers will come just as quickly when The Whispers season 1, episode 4 airs tonight.

Check out the synopsis and a sneak peek at tonight’s episode and make sure to come back and check out our recap later tonight!

Oh, and make sure to check out our post all about the kids of The Whispers. They truly make this show great, and we can’t wait to see what they will be up to next.


“While Minx tries to persuade a disillusioned Henry to play one more game for Drill, the race is on for Claire and Wes to thwart John Doe from causing a major incident that could potentially kill millions of people.”

Sneak Peek

Drill has plans for Henry Bennigan, but he needs Minx to convince Henry to keep playing the game. Everyone can get what they want if they all just keep playing the game. This does not sound good at all.