It’s finally happening. After six long years, we’re getting our Veronica Mars movie. We will not only be able to see our beloved characters in action once more but also get some long-overdue closure. After all, we can’t be the only ones who were disappointed with the third season. So let us be the first to congratulation all of our fellow fans. Great job, Marshmallows. We did it!

Here’s a quick rundown of what Rob Thomas (the show’s creator, not the famous rockstar) has revealed about the Veronica Mars movie’s plot so far according to the Kickstarter page and Entertainment Weekly: The movie will be set a decade after the end of season 3, making it time for Veronica’s 10 year high school reunion. But Veronica, who received her bachelor’s degree from Stanford and law degree from Columbia and is now in a relationship with a mysterious unknown hunk, only returns to Neptune after Logan calls her asking for help; he’s the main suspect in his celebrity girlfriend’s murder. Sounds juicy, doesn’t it?

While you’re still trying to recover from the whirlwind success of the Kickstarter project ($2 million in an astonishing 10.5 hours, $3 million by day 2 and on the way to $4 million now), here’s our list of the top 5 things we’re hoping to see in the Veronica Mars movie.

1. “We Used to Be Friends” by The Dandy Warhols

What’s Veronica Mars without its famous theme song? We’ve honestly had it on repeat ever since we heard the news about the movie. “We Used to Be Friends” is one of the most iconic and recognizable theme song in TV history (or so we read somewhere). Luckily for us, Rob Thomas feels the exact same way about the song. He plans to include it, but in what way? Ideally, the movie would bring back the original (NOT season 3) version of the song but, honestly, we’ll take anything at this point. We can’t wait to tap our toes and dance a little in our theater seats once this song’s infectious beat kicks in. Maybe the Dandy Warhols will be kind enough to grant us a little cameo in the film, rocking out to their hit. Because we love you, we’ve embedded the song here (complete with a nostalgic slideshow) so that you can listen to it while reading the rest of our list. You’re welcome.

2. A Giant Character Reunion

We already can pretty much assume that we’ll be seeing Veronica, Keith Mars, Logan, and the always charming Dick Casablancas in the movie because of their roles in the Kickstarter video. And because you obviously can’t have Veronica Mars without Veronica Mars.  Because Rob Thomas says he wants to bring in as many former cast members as he can, here are a few other characters that we’d really love to see in our return to Neptune:

3. A Resurrection of the Dead

Along with the big character reunion that we’re hoping for, we think it would be really interesting if the movie somehow brought back previously deceased characters as well. If you happened to watch the Kickstarter video, you’ll notice that Rob Thomas hints that “There’s dead dead, and then there’s TV dead.” However, he also said that he doesn’t want to delve into the show’s mythology and alienate new viewers, so that takes Lilly’s return off the table. Be that as it may, we’d like to maybe see him resurrect  Lynn Echolls. After the murder of yet another one of his girlfriends, I would think that Lynn’s return would really comfort Logan. It’s not unusual for movies or tv shows to resurrect mothers in times of need and they rarely have meaningful explanations for doing so. We don’t think Rob Thomas would have to bring in the shows mythology in order to make this work.

4. Veronica Mars Taking Over the Family Business

Veronica Mars was born to investigate mysteries and crimes. The character’s attention to detail and quick wit always keeps the audience guessing what she’s thinking. Also, she’s the perfect size for sneaking through doggie doors and scaling fences. Yet, her sassiness and her “ends justify the means” attitude don’t seem to fit with a structured organization like the FBI. She’d definitely be one of their best agents but just wouldn’t do her job with the same amount of passion. While the summary on Kickstarter page says she hasn’t taken a case since season 3, that doesn’t mean that she can’t end up as Mars Investigations’ #1 PI by the end of the film. We hope that Keith will finally get a happy ending/storyline (one that doesn’t involve adultery) and leave the business in the very capable hands of his only daughter.

5. LoVe

In case your Veronica Mars terminology is a bit rusty, “LoVe” stands for Logan and Veronica. The chemistry between these two characters has been undeniable since the very beginning of the show. Their on-and-off relationship has been quite dramatic, especially when Logan beat Piz to a pulp in the second half of season 3. But their strong personalities and witty banter keep us fans coming back for more. Plus, there’s just something about these two that makes them picture perfect.

If you’re a LoVe shipper, you can understand how difficult this perfection can be to explain in a small amount of space. Any way, Rob Thomas told Entertainment Weekly that he plans for Veronica to finally return to Neptune all in the name of helping Logan. We also heard that Mr. Thomas is shooting for a PG-13 rating. Fingers crossed for some LoVe steaminess. Seriously though, if these two don’t get together (and STAY together) in the movie, Rob Thomas will have to answer to hoards of angry LoVe shippers. We’ll lead the way.

Make sure to visit the Veronica Mars movie Kickstarter project page and check out all of the cool donation rewards as well as Rob Thomas’ entertaining updates. The movie already surpassed the amount it needed to be greenlit so the extra money, as the page says, will increase the production value and maybe even fund a “full-on brawl.”

Who or what are you hoping to see in the ‘Veronica Mars’ movie?