The Vampire Diaries season 3 finale is imminent, and the question on everyone’s mind is: which Salvatore brother should Elena choose?

It’s the big question which has been building for the last three seasons, and while we don’t doubt that there’s plenty of triangle drama left to explore, it seems like recent events (Stefan coming back from the dark side, Elena kissing Damon again) are leading us to a big season finale decision.

In last Thursday’s episode, “Heart of Darkness,” Rose told Jeremy what she thought of Elena’s relationship with both Damon and Stefan, and her words seemed like they came straight from the mouths of the producers to explain Elena’s dilemma to the audience (especially because it doesn’t necessarily point to one brother being the “better” choice):

It’s not just that Elena makes Damon a better person. She does, but he changes her too. Damon challenges her, surprises her. He makes her question her life, her beliefs. Stefan is different. His love is pure and he’ll always be good for her. Damon is either the best thing for her or the worst.

Now we want to get your opinions on who Elena should choose, and who she will choose. Two different polls, because we have a feeling your answers might differ somewhat (or if they don’t, that’ll be interesting too.

First, cast your vote as to who you would like to see Elena choose:

[poll id=75]

Second, search your soul and decide whether you think Elena will actually make what you believe is the right choice:

[poll id=76]

We will use the results for discussion on the next Secret Diaries Chat podcast for The Vampire Diaries and The Secret Circle, so leave any comments you have about the love triangle here as well!