The Leftovers season 2, episode 3 goes deep inside the Guilty Remnant to bring back the voices of so many who lost them.

It’s hard to imagine the Guilty Remnant existing without Patti Levin, but the cult does have a reach far beyond Mapleton, NY. After spending one episode with the Murphys and one with the Garveys, it is time to catch up with Tommy and Laurie as they work to free people from their unspoken ties.

The deeper that Tommy and Laurie get into the Guilty Remnant the more secrets they discover that will complicate their mission to give people back their voices and expose the cult to the masses. Without Jill to ground Tommy in some sense of reality, his work with his mother drags him into a dark place where his past haunts his present.

Related: The Leftovers: Remembering the Sudden Departure

Similar to the first two episodes, The Leftovers episode 3, “Off Ramp,” will go back in time to the moment Tommy and Jill meet up at the diner while Laurie waits in the car. Perhaps we will learn what was written in her note to her daughter. Even though Tommy does allow Laurie to drive, he is not sold on Laurie’s involvement in Jill’s life.

Another blast from the past returns tonight. Meg, Laurie’s charge in the Guilty Remnant from season 1, returns to expose what is going on in the cult from an active insider’s point of view.

Watch The Leftovers season 2, episode 3, “Off Ramp,” tonight at 9:00 p.m. ET on HBO.