The 100‘s Richard Harmon attended his first SDCC this week, and talked about Murphy’s lingering hostility with the delinquents.

In The 100 season 3, we saw Murphy reunite with the delinquents, and grudgingly beginning to work with them. He fought his way through the Polis tower with Bellamy, and kept Clarke alive by pumping Ontari’s heart with his bare hands.

In the immortal words of J.K. Rowling, “There are some things you can’t share without ending up liking each other” — and yet Murphy and Clarke probably aren’t as tight as Clarke seems to think.

When we asked Richard Harmon what Murphy thought of Clarke referring to him as her friend, he said, “I was insulted by that, actually. Cause you’re waking up, then you see her, she’s hated you for so long, she’s been rude and mean, and then you’re just gonna come in and you’re gonna be friends? Like, no.”

Related: The 100 at SDCC: Jason Rothenberg, Eliza Taylor say Clarke will move on from Lexa

“It’s like what she said in season 2,” Harmon explains, “just because they pardoned you doesn’t mean I have. So when she came in and was like, ‘my friend,’ it was like, you know what? Just because now you think we’re friends doesn’t mean it’s that way for me. I still remember everything she’s done.”

He does add that after everything that happened in the season 3 finale, Murphy considers Clarke his friend “a little bit more. Maybe not friends, but I think we have a mutual respect for each other.”

And, in general, Murphy’s relationship with the delinquents is still a little contentious. “I think he’s sick of the way they treat him, for sure,” says Harmon. “Yeah, I did things, we’ve all done things, so you guys got over it with each other and you’re still holding on to something with me for no good reason.”

And, as Harmon so astutely points out, Murphy might be the person who’s killed the least people at this point. “I killed two people!” he says. “It’s like the lowest death count on the show, easily. I’m fairly certain Jasper’s killed more than me.”

Meanwhile, of course, Eliza Taylor and Richard Harmon are busy being “Clurphy as feck,” so it’s not all bad!

The 100 returns for season 4 in early 2017.