It’s no secret that characters on Teen Wolf have a habit of coming back from the dead. Peter, Kate, and now Aiden (although, there have of course been many more who have returned).

We know that deaths can have a really meaningful impact on the story and the other characters, but returns can also have quite an impact if done correctly.

Actually the character need not have even died to have a pretty great return on Teen Wolf. Pretty much all we want is to see once again some of our favorite characters who have left us. Is that too much to ask?

From least likely to most likely, here are the Teen Wolf characters we’d most love to see on our TV screens once more.

Related: Teen Wolf season 5 premiere review (spoiler-free)

The not-so-likely

Allison Argent

In case you haven’t figured it out by now, we’re still not over Allison’s death. We know we discuss it a lot, but she was our girl. She was our heroine. While we understand and respect Crystal Reed’s decision to leave the show in order to pursue other endeavors, we can’t say that we don’t miss her and her character like crazy. Even if Allison were to show up as a ghost or some sort of projection, we’d be into it. We just want to see her on our screens again.

Victoria Argent

Sure, Victoria Argent was a bit cold and didn’t warm up to Scott and his kind until the very, very end. However, in the seasons since her death, we’ve been thinking about how much we’d like to see Victoria return. Her husband could really use the companionship of his wife now that his daughter has gone and we really think that she could be a really great source of information on the show (being an Argent and all). Plus, Eaddy Mays has been a Teen Wolf cheerleader even after her character’s death. How great would it be to have her back on the team?


The ‘it could happen’s’

Jackson Whittemore

London really isn’t all that far away. Not really. It’s especially closer to Beacon Hills than the hereafter, that’s for sure. As cool as it is to think of Jackson being a (“ahooooo!”) werewolf of London, we’d much rather him be in Beacon Hills. Scott’s pack is full of misfits who have become a sort of family, which means that there’s basically a spot with Jackson’s name on it. Maybe the news from the last time Scott’s entire pack was going to die just got to Jackson so he’s already on his way! (Hey, we could dream, right?)

Isaac Lahey

Isaac is our #1. If Jeff Davis gave us the power to write any character back into the show, we would choose Isaac in a heartbeat. While we love Sciles, we’re also huge fans of Scott and Isaac’s relationship. In fact, one of our favorite/most memorable scenes to this day is the one where Scott and Isaac fall asleep while guarding Mrs. McCall. Since Isaac is currently just taking an extended leave in Paris, he could easily come back to help his friends. We wouldn’t be surprised if he met up with Jackson at an airport and they tag-teamed it home. #Teamwork

(Oh, and did we mention that Daniel Sharman’s CBS pilot didn’t get picked up by the network? So he could be totally free to come back!)


The most likely


Aiden has already returned to Teen Wolf (in the first 10 minutes of the season 5 premiere, no less) and he was dead the last time we saw him. 100% dead. His brother Ethan even cried out in pain because he felt their twin connection fading away. So, what we’re saying is that, since Aiden’s back, it would only make sense to bring Ethan back as well. He’s Aiden’s other half and he’s still alive. Plus, he’s just a really fun character that we would love to get to know further.

Danny Mahealani

The biggest question we had last season was “WHERE’S DANNY?!” At the end of season 3B, Danny admits to knowing about werewolves, saying, “Dude, it’s Beacon Hills.” So we were obviously devastated when he failed to return in season 4. We need to know where he’s been, how much he knows, and how long he’s known it! Plus, his disappearance has gone wholly unexplained. It wouldn’t make sense for him not to return, if for no other reason than the fact that he’s a fan favorite. #BringBackDanny
Teen Wolf returns this Friday at 10 p.m. EST on MTV! You can watch the first six minutes here.

Which long-lost ‘Teen Wolf’ character would you most like to see return?

Related: Teen Wolf: Dating profiles for the guys