Supergirl 5×02 finds Kara struggling with Andrea Rojas and her new expectations at CatCo, while J’onn’s brother finds a way to get into J’onn’s mind as he discovers the truth about what happened to his missing memories.

On Supergirl season 5, episode 2, Malefic’s appearance in National City causes problems for J’onn ,while Kara faces off against William Day at work and his suspicions about her grow, leading to a confrontation with Supergirl. Meanwhile, Lena and Eve attempt to have an honest conversation that takes a turn for the worst, setting the path for her story this half of the season.

Relationships are at the core of the episode as young love begins, another starts to crack, and working relationships become far more tense than they were on Supergirl season 5, episode 1.

Alex and Kelly, Nia and Brainy

Supergirl season 5, episode 2 showed two very different versions of the same relationship theme: getting to know each other. It was lovely to see Kelly and Alex’s relationship begin to blossom, and to show the beginning stages of Alex falling in love and being happy with both her work and professional life, which has been missed since Supergirl season 2.

That said, it seemed a little soon for Alex to be freaking out about not knowing certain things about Kelly, like her allergy to blueberries. They’ve been together for a little over a month now — two months maximum — and she acted like it was the end of the world. I hope the Supergirl writers know what they’re doing because I don’t want to see this relationship pushed forward too fast for a break up in the future to be inevitable to slow things back down.

For Nia and Brainy, it was also too soon, but in a different way. Their issues, otherwise known as Brainy’s too much gene, weren’t resolved by episode’s end, which probably does mean we should expect a split in the not-so-far future. Being as they just officially got together in the premiere episode, doesn’t it seem like too much to already have unresolved issues between them? I hope it’s not just me that thinks so.

Kelly and J’onn

First of all, let me just say how thankful I am that Kelly is being brought into the fold and isn’t being left out on the outside as Team Super Friends does their weekly magic. Not only that, but she’s already an instrumental part in helping out.

Malefic is on track to be an interesting villain if the momentum keeps up. J’onn’s forgotten memories, which seem to be further explored in coming episodes, are far more interesting than any of his other stories thus far in the series to me. It’s always been hard for me to invest in J’onn’s stories, but I do love hearing the history of Mars and his time on his home planet, so it’s nice to have this be the center of his story right now.

Lena and Eve

Supergirl season 5 being a fight for Lena’s soul now seems like the perfect way to describe the story they’re writing for her. It seems like, for now, Lena is moving past the feelings of betrayal brought up by the revelation of Kara’s deception for all of these years as she focuses on the other person who deceived her: Eve.

I truly did not expect it to have been Lena who kidnapped Eve — I’m sure many of us believed it would have just been Leviathan — but it shows how far Lena is willing to go for her personal mission this season. Plus, I watched in shock and awe as Lena input Hope into Eve’s body, taking away Eve’s agency for her plan. If the Supergirl writers accomplished one thing, it’s making everything Lena does this season a surprise.

Seeing Lena and Eve finally work together, without betrayal looming on the horizon, would have been my ultimate dream for this season, even if they were eventually stopped by Supergirl and co. for their crazy plan to, basically, reset humanity (and their solution is probably tied to what could reset J’onn’s mind). Andrea and Katie have such great chemistry and I adored “Team Science” scenes before, so please don’t let this Hope thing last too long.

CatCo adventures

So, anyone else thinking they’re setting up William to be Kara’s new love interest? I won’t go too far and assume that’s the plan, yet, but I have my suspicions that William’s so-called wife isn’t even real. (Or, they’re divorced and he just hasn’t moved on yet.) With all of the trouble Kara is experiencing at work this season, I’d rather just see her focus on her writing and Supergirl without a love interest to complicate things.

Plus, Andrea Rojas is, like, the devil. She’s written to be so unlikeable, which is confusing because I don’t completely hate her. She clearly is going to be a thorn in everyone’s side this season, but the payoff of Obsidian North and all of these stories with her at the center should be fantastic.

Julie Gonzalo is an incredible talent, and she’s already owning her role. The confrontation with Lena was one of my favorite scenes of the episode, and those women could clearly argue for hours because they’re brilliant, savvy, and quite clever.

‘Supergirl’ 5×02 final thoughts

Supergirl season 5, episode 2 wasn’t bad, but it was kind of boring. As great as it was to focus on developing relationships, in one way or another, to have all of the development take place in one episode and the villain seem more like a sub-plot seemed like an unfortunate choice.

In my opinion, the second episode of the season should be riding the high of the incredibly energetic premiere (which Supergirl did have, unlike another Arrow-verse show). It should be the in-between as the high begins to wear off and the next episode gets into the normal pace of the season. This isn’t to say the episode wasn’t enjoyable, because it was, but it wasn’t what I was expecting, and I think all Supergirl fans can say they expected a bit more.

The ending was, by far, the best part of the episode and the twist with Lena shook me. As I stated before, this truly is a fight for Lena’s soul, and I’m beyond excited to see where the story goes and how Katie McGrath explores Lena’s mental state and how that’s impacting her actions. I’m ready for the next episode.

Supergirl airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW!