Bryan Fuller hit the CBS All Access panel to drop some major hints at what Star Trek Discovery will bring to the table in 2017.

We have a title, an alien prototype, a ship (NCC-1031) and a whole lot more thanks to Bryan Fuller’s appearance on the TCA CBS panel. Prior to the kickoff of the panel, however, there was even bigger news about the impending reboot — the series will feature a female lead for Star Trek Discovery. Unfortunately, she will not sit in the chair.

Star Trek has largely paved the path for diversity on screen in the past, especially in the Original Series. The series’ female lead will be human, even though Fuller mentioned that the bridge will contain more aliens than viewers are used to seeing on the crew.

This may come into play with Fuller’s comments about the series being told from another perspective on the bridge. After six captains, it’s time to find out what someone else sees. Perhaps from a female science officer?

Fuller spoke with Mae Jemison, the first African American woman to travel in space, for inspiration for the new female lead.

Star Trek Discovery will be 13 episodes with the possibility for more. Fuller had to remained tight-lipped on the panel, but tried his very best to get out some details for the series he was bred to write.

Here is a quick rundown of everything to come out of the All Access panel

  1. Star Trek Discovery will be 13 episodes with the possibility for more.
  2. The series will be about an incident in Starfleet that was never really explored. Could it be related to the Klingon War?
  3. The series will take place 10 years before Captain Kirk’s five year mission on the Enterprise.
  4. The show will play out more like a novel, with stand alone episodes playing larger roles in the narrative.
  5. Star Trek has been told from the perspective of six captains, Discovery will show the series from another point of view on the bridge.
  6. “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.”
  7. New aliens, reimagining of existing aliens, and higher production values will all help make Discovery fold into the timeline.
  8. “Absolutely we will have a gay character,” Bryan Fuller said.
  9. Oh, and robots too!
  10. The unseen conflict is not the Romulan War.
  11. It is also not Section 31, but you never know when/if that could come up.
  12. It is also not the Kobayashi Maru, even though Nicholas Meyer, who introduced it to the Star Trek universe is in the writers room.
  13. Ralph McQuarrie’s designs for Star Trek: Phase II actually came up as design inspiration for the new series.”
  14. DOES AMANDA GRAYSON a.k.a. SPOCK’S MOM FACTOR INTO THIS? To which Fuller offered a sly, “maybeeeee” in response.
  15. Ok, she may not be a central part of the show, but she may be involved.
  16. Will the STD ever go away? You know… the initials? Probably not. But Fuller embraces the humor.
  17. Season 1 will stick with new characters, but beyond that there may be room to revisit some older ones.

In case you are wondering whether CBS All Access can lure people over, the numbers don’t lie. They have tapped into a market who wants their Star Trek and will cut cable to get it.

While the projected numbers for the premiere on CBS will be huge, it will be interesting to see how many people stick around for CBS All Access in the states when it will be largely available on Netflix everywhere else.

Following in Netflix’s footsteps, CBS All Access will not be releasing ratings, but subscriber numbers will be made available. Don’t get too excited about streaming, you will still have commercials on All Access. It’s less than cable, but still annoying.

Who is ready to boldly go where Fuller is leading us in ‘Star Trek Discovery’?

Star Trek Discovery hits CBS in January 2017 followed by exclusive streaming on CBS All Access and Netflix after the premiere.