Before you watch Roswell, New Mexico season 2, refresh yourself on the most important things from season 1.

It’s been way too long since we saw our favorite aliens and scientists in Roswell, New Mexico, and we want to go into season 2 refreshed! Here are the 10 most important things to remember ahead of Roswell, New Mexico season 2.

1. It all began in 1947

On June 14, 1947, something extraordinary happened, an alien aircraft crashed into the desert of Roswell, New Mexico. The passengers were refugees, fleeing a war torn planet. During their voyage, someone hijacked their ship and brought them crashing down into a world that was not ready for them.

Among the aliens on that ship were Max, Isobel, Michael and Noah. Max, Isobel and Michael woke from the pods that they traveled in as children 50 years after the crash. Unfortunately, Noah wasn’t so lucky. As a peasant, his pod was less durable, causing him to wake in the middle of a battle between his kind and the humans on earth. Although he was able to crawl back into his pod for protection, he remained awake and aware, waiting for the day that he’d be strong enough to emerge.

2. Aliens are just like us, but cooler

When we meet the three alien siblings, they’re hell bent on living normal lives. Max is the resident good cop, Isobel is a pillar of the community, and Michael is a mechanic. However, no matter how well they’ve assimilated, they’re super cool alien abilities can’t help but make themselves known sometimes.

Max has the power to heal and to generate massive amounts of electromagnetic energy, and his healing hands have the fun little side effect of creating a psychic connection between him and the person he marks. Michael has powerful telekinetic abilities on top of being a genius. Isobel can enter the minds of others and “suggest” that they take certain courses of action, while also determining if someone is telling the truth.

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That would all sound pretty awesome if it weren’t for the fact that Isobel’s husband/secret alien Noah could do all of those things and then some. Since Noah hasn’t been hiding his powers, he’s had time to hone his skills and discover his true potential. Now that Max, Isobel and Michael know what they’re capable of, they’re trying to unlock those same abilities.

Oh yeah, and they also drink nail polish remover to numb pain and get drunk!

3. Liz has a complicated history with Roswell

While the story began in 1947, Roswell, New Mexico began much later than that. The show picked up approximately 70 years after the crash, around 30 years after the siblings awoke from their pods, and almost exactly 10 years after Liz’s sister Rosa died.

Liz came back to her cute little racist town after her smart AF degenerative medicine study in Denver lost funding and she realized she couldn’t connect with her fiancé. She left her hometown after graduation for a summer-long road trip that she never really returned from, partly because of Isobel’s “suggestion,” but also because she needed to get away in light of everything.

Sadly, that involved leaving Max Evans, the boy who’d had a crush on her all through high school and who Liz didn’t “want to miss.” He had planned to accompany her on the road trip, but the plan changed when Rosa died. When Liz returned, the memory of her sister lingered to haunt her in more ways than one.

4. Roswell has a complicated history with Rosa

Unlike her sister, Rosa was always kind of a mess. She got involved with the wrong crowd, became dependent on drugs, and didn’t have a great reputation in the community. That being said, she was an extremely dynamic and caring person who was beloved by the people who knew her.

For 10 years, Rosa’s family and the entire town of Roswell believed that she died as a result of a drunk driving accident in which she was at the wheel, killing herself and two passengers. This is partly at the fault of Max, Michael, and Isobel, who staged a car crash to cover up the murder that the boys thought Isobel committed, and Isobel thought Michael committed. The town never really forgave Rosa for the accident and took out their aggressions on her family for years to come.

If that wasn’t complicated enough, Rosa was also keeping a huge secret from her family. She was not the daughter of Arturo Ortecho, as they believed, but the daughter of Jim Valenti, Kyle’s father. She knew the truth, and her biological father was even trying to help her overcome her addiction, but she still forced her mother to leave town, threatening to expose her affair.

5. Noah liked complicated

In the end, it wasn’t a car crash or the alien siblings who killed Rosa, but Isobel’s seemingly sweet husband Noah. He was in love with Rosa in a creepy, obsessive and entitled way, and he killed her when he didn’t believe that she would keep his secret. His secret was that he’d been hijacking people’s minds when they were compromised (i.e. during Isobel’s trauma blackouts) and killing people to keep himself strong.

He first entered Isobel’s mind when he heard her psychic scream in the desert, and eventually got his strength up enough to leave his pod. He also kept up his series of murders after Rosa’s death, targeting people at the local bar’s Ranchero Night, who he viewed to be individuals who wouldn’t be missed by society.

6. Max is kind of a big deal

Noah was killed by Max at the end of Roswell, New Mexico season 1, but not before he revealed a whole bunch of interesting information about Max and his fellow aliens. It turns out, Max is some sort of “savior” to his kind, and Noah is confident that whoever won the war on their home planet will come back for him for something called “the Alighting.”

We got our first hint at this when Max went to see the Sky Spirit healers. They referenced a woman who would constantly create the symbol which Max has tattooed on his shoulder. She left at the same time that Max woke up, saying “he is here now, I can leave.”

The symbol serves as a map to their home country, so if Guerin ever gets all the pieces to their ship and figures out how to read the damn thing, they could be homeward bound.

7. Like…a bringing people back from the dead ‘big deal’

Max wasted no time proving Noah right by conjuring some lightning and killing the slimy secret alien. Then, he discovered that Rosa was preserved in Noah’s old pod, and promptly proceeded to resurrect her! Unfortunately, the revival proved too much for even him, and he was killed in the process.

We’re not too worried because we’re sure that they’ll find a way to bring Max back in Roswell, New Mexico season 2, but there will definitely still be consequences for his actions. Luckily, he was also able to heal Michael’s hand (which was permanently damaged by Alex’s father) before he died.

8. Not everybody is into the alien thing

Ever since the aliens arrived, the Manes and Valenti families have spearheaded “Project Shepherd,” an unauthorized branch of the military that serves to protect people from aliens and run super sketchy experiments on them.

Kyle and Alex discovered that the remaining aliens from the crash were being held at Caulfield Prison and being subjected to full lab rat treatment. One of these aliens was Guerin’s mother, who he shared a beautiful moment with before unintentionally getting the whole facility blown up.

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We have to assume that the explosion killed all of the aliens locked in the prison, but we don’t know for sure how aliens respond to an explosion, so it’s possible that some of them made it through! Fingers crossed for Guerin, who has never really had a family outside of Max and Isobel.

Regrettably, Manes was prepared for his facility to be destroyed, and he had the plans for their “thermobaric ordinance”/border wall around the world backed up. He’s currently at the mercy of Kyle (whose father he killed when he wanted to shut down the project) and Alex (who suffered at his hand his entire life), both of whom are threatening his life and his project. Hopefully they can eliminate his craziness in one way or another!

9. There’s even an antidote for them

Liz developed an antidote for alien powers when she thought that Isobel was a psycho killer walking around town. Although she never planned to use it, Isobel forced Kyle to inject her. Apparently, the antidote has a nasty little side effect that causes the alien’s cells to rot! Isobel had to shelter in her pod until they could come up with an antidote for the antidote.

The antidote for alienism comes from a rare plant from the Libyan desert. The pure pollen also negates their powers. Fortunately for Maria, her family has passed down a necklace with that very same flower in it, presumably providing her some protection from aliens.

10. And a few more ‘Roswell, New Mexico’ loose ends

Here are a few more things we thought we’d remind you of from Roswell, New Mexico season 1.