Riverdale’s Veronica Lodge truly has a way with words. Here are some of the best Veronica Lodge quotes.

Ever since Veronica arrive in Riverdale from New York, she’s been confusing, impressing, and entertaining people with her unique brand of dialogue. Riddled with pop culture references, both obvious and obscure, peppered with french words and sayings, and marked by a vocabulary far beyond her years, Veronica Lodge quotes are always a standout in any episode of Riverdale.

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While everything she says is iconic, we’ve picked out the twenty-five Veronica Lodge quotes that we’ve deemed the very most V. Spoiler alert: taking these words out of context only makes them more delightful.

Veronica Lodge quotes from ‘Riverdale’

“Are you familiar with the works of Truman Capote? I’m ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’, but this place is strictly ‘In Cold Blood.'”
“I’ve tried every flavor of boy but orange.”

“If the Manolo Blahnik fits.”

“I will cut the brakes on his souped-up phallic symbol.”
“You wanted fire? Sorry, Cheryl Bombshell. My specialty is ice.”

“Can’t we just liberate ourselves from the tired dichotomy of jock, artist. Can’t we, in this post-James Franco world, be all things at once?”
“I beg your misogynistic pardon?”

“Don’t worry, you might be a stock character from a ’90s teen movie, but I’m not.”

“Good lord, Mom. Are you and Daddy trying to turn Riverdale into Gotham City?”
“Are you okay? Whether or not The Black Hood is back, I don’t want “Death Wish Archie” to come back.”

“At the risk of failing the Bechdel test, are you legitimately cool with Archie and me?”
“You look like you’re auditioning for a teen reboot of ‘The Shining'”

“I don’t follow rules, I make them. And when necessary, I break them.”

“So, can’t we just be friends? Or, at least, frenemies?”
“You’re back to being boring?”

“You literally have zero loyalty, you ginger Judas.”
“I feel like I’m wandering through the lost epilogue of ‘Our Town.'”

“God and Gucci willing, Cheryl’s safe.”

“I’m so over the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now.”
“To paraphrase Samuel Clemmons, “reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated.”

“Sorry, Daddykins. This is going to hurt you more than it’s going to hurt me.”
“I’m going Scorched Earth on these privileged, despicable miscreants.”

“We’re endgame, Archie.”

“You tell your lackeys to back off or else I’ll send these photographs of your drug lab to the authorities faster than you can say ‘Heisenberg.'”
“You don’t make Vibe’s 20 under 20 by prancing around in the woods in a deer carcass.”

What’s your favorite Veronica Lodge quote from ‘Riverdale’?