Whether you’ve been a fan of Freaks and Geeks from the beginning, or you’ve been wanting to give it a go, join ReWatchable as we discuss it for the first time!

ReWatchable is an exclusive Hypable podcast that takes your favorite shows and discusses them episode by episode. The only requirement is that the show has finished airing, regardless of whether it was cancelled or it went off the air at just the right time.

In the past, we’ve discussed Firefly, Veronica Mars, Pushing Daisies, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Episodes are typically released each Sunday.

Each round consists of both newbies (those who have never seen the show before) and superfans (those who have seen the show and love it). Our podcast is spoiler-free, which means you can listen as a newbie and don’t have to worry about any important plot details being revealed before you see them unfold on screen. We ask that you keep this in mind when you’re commenting on our posts as well.

The next round of ReWatchable will be discussing Freaks and Geeks, a show that has been demanded by listeners since the podcast’s inception. Our F&G discussion will be hosted by superfans Pamela, Brittany, Jack, and Karen, who will be joined by newbies Caitlin, Danielle, Kristen, and Ariana.

This round of ReWatchable promises to be another great one. We have several fan-favorite hosts, on top of bringing back some Hypable staffers that were on several rounds ago. Best yet, we’ll be introducing you to a couple hosts whose voices will be gracing ReWatchable’s airwaves for the very first time!

You can find every ReWatchable episode here on Hypable, and get in contact with us via Twitter or Tumblr. And if social media isn’t your thing, you can always shoot us a message at ReWatchable.Podcast@gmail.com.

Oh, and we heard that if you leave us an iTunes review, there could be a cool reward for you, too.

Will you be joining us for ‘Freaks and Geeks’? If so, will it be as a newbie or a superfan?