For Community’s last episode until who knows when, the show went out with a bang! Get the scoop on our favorite moments from this episode, which featured one man’s breakdown, a distorted creative vision and captions for each character (Pierce Hawthorne: Local Curmudgeon). 

So while I typically do longer recaps for each episode, I have decided to make this one a short recap and focus more on the highlights, best quotes and analysis.

This episode revolved around Dean Pelton’s new commercial for Greendale Community College (your favorite fictitious community college and mine). He casts the study group, and Abed films it all as a documentary.

It quickly crumbles from there when Greendale’s celebrity alum Luis Guzman wants to be a part of the production. The Dean revises his “creative vision” countless times, Annie (his assistant) begins to worship his every move, Britta and Troy have to hug for over 12 straight hours and worst of all, Jeff begins to enjoy playing his role as Dean Pelton and falls in love with his bald-cap (“I’ve made bald friends!”).

In the end, Dean Pelton loses his mind. He burns his diploma and paints his body black with the ashes (he makes illusions to dirty things he did to the ice cream machine … ew gross). He is punishing himself, because he thought he was better than Greendale. It all works out when Abed finishes a successful commercial produced from chunks of his documentary, and the study group forgives Dean Pelton.

Also noteworthy is the side plot where Pierce buys himself a trailer, refuses to leave said trailer until he gets a trailer and then accidentally winds up in Hollywood. Such is the life of a star I suppose.

Best Quotes:

“Troy and are buds, air buds even.” — Britta when she finds out she will have to hug Troy.

“I’m supposed to be a book reading a book?”–a guy acting in the commercial.

“[Holds up orange] This is scene four.” –Dean Pelton with his most recent epiphany.

“Is there any more footage of that crazy Chinese guy, he pops.”–the higher authority of Greendale speaking about Chang when they see the commercial.

“Some flies are too awesome for the wall.” –Abed. (no explanation necessary)

Best Moments:

-Abed’s captions for each person. For example: Britta, anarchist cat owner

-The newspaper headlines about Dean Pelton’s demise: “A Deansaster”

-Chang with a Jeff wig with a bald cap over that as Jeff’s understudy: “I’m literally dying.”

-The possum that manages to get loose in Dean Pelton’s office and skitters unexpectedly.

I really liked this episode, because it managed to include everyone without having tons of separate plot lines. They also gave a better analysis of Dean Pelton’s character than they have in the past. The Pierce plot line was a little lacking, but overall, I give this episode a nine out of ten.

What were your favorite moments from the episode? What did you think?