The Originals season 3 starts tonight, so take our quiz to find out how well you remember the events of season 2, and prepare yourselves for this season’s Battle of the Sire Lines.

Here we go! The Originals season 3 starts tonight, and in order to be properly prepared, it’s important to see how much you can remember from last season. We have just the ticket. Take our quiz and find out how well you remember the major events of The Originals season 2. Then you’ll know if there’s an episode or two you may need to rewatch.

An awful lot happened in The Originals season 2. Not to give anything away before you take our little quiz, but there was a whole bunch of body swapping, spell casting, and, yes, as always, death. It just wouldn’t be a season of The Originals if the dead bodies didn’t pile up a bit by the end.

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Make sure to tune in tonight when The Originals returns to your screens in season 3. With Davina ruling over the witches as Regent, Dahlia out of the picture, and the Always and Forever bond stretched within an inch of its life, there are so many threads we can’t wait to see more from already. When you add in the War of the Sire Lines that we’ve been promised, and the arrival of Jason Dohring as Detective Will Kinney, we are more excited than ever to have the Mikaelsons back.

If you missed them before, make sure to check out our first look at tonight’s premiere of The Originals season 3, our article chock full of evidence that we are definitely getting more Claire Holt this season, and an interview with Jason Dohring letting you into the brain of the man behind Detective Kinney. Season 3 is shaping up to be one intriguing season indeed.