Quantico’s entire first season has been filled with crazy twists, and the finale was no exception. We’ve ranked some of the craziest moments from the epic conclusion.

After the big reveal in the penultimate episode of Quantico, we were expecting the finale to be more of a wind-down, expository episode… but boy, were we wrong. This episode dropped so many bombs (both literal and figurative) that it was hard to catch a breath. With so many emotional and dramatic moments to choose from, it was tough to pick the standouts, but we think these are the five that ultimately made the biggest impact. Do you agree?

Related: Quantico season 1 finale review: An honorable sacrifice

5. That Alex Parrish reveal

So after all that, Alex isn’t even in the FBI anymore? After an entire season of watching her both train to be a part of this organization, and watching her fight to protect it, the last thing we expected was to see her go another way at the end of it all!

It definitely makes sense that she was removed from her position. With her face being recognized nationally, she could hardly do any sort of field work again, and Alex Parrish isn’t exactly the type to sit behind a desk for the rest of her career. That being said, it was certainly sad and surprising to see that, although Liam’s ultimate plan failed, he did succeed in taking away the career that she worked so hard for, and so deserved. At least we know that Alex will still find her way to great things!

4. That opening montage

We knew it made sense that Liam was the terrorist, but we didn’t know exactly how all the pieces fit together until the Quantico season 1 finale. The montage hit all the key moments regarding the who, what, when, and where of Liam’s plan. The why came later, but the opening few minutes of the episode covered so much!

Related: Quantico: 5 times (spoiler) basically told us they’re the terrorist

It was really cool to see how one man was able to pull off this entire grand scheme. They could have just had him explain everything away with a few questions from Alex or one of the other characters, but showing how it all worked in a montage really demonstrated how well the season was planned.

3. That Liam take down

After his grand plan went pretty damn perfectly, Liam just had to take care of those meddling kids who were threatening to blow his cover. He had us worried for Ryan’s life for just a second, but then the power duo that is Ralex took him down in the most epic way possible.

There’s no way that Alex didn’t deliver the perfect kill shot, but on his way out of the danger zone, Ryan delivered two more death blows, just for good measure. We’d like to think those three shots are a symbolic vengeance for the three beloved characters that Liam’s schemes stole from us. RIP Natalie, Drew, and Simon (if the first two are actually dead).

2. That sacrifice

After taking on more than a lifetime’s worth of guilt in Quantico season 1, Simon Asher drove towards the ultimate redemption in the finale. He could never stop feeling responsible for the lives lost in the previous attacks, but he could save Liam’s next victims from their demise. Unfortunately, that act of heroism cost him his life.

Simon has been a beloved character right from the start. Despite the guilt he was already carrying when he came to Quantico, he was always kind, intelligent, loyal and brave. He was a friend that Alex could trust even when she had nobody else, and he will be sincerely missed by his fellow agents and viewers alike.

1. That Senator Haas interrogation

We really thought we were out of the woods with the whole terrorist plot when Liam was eliminated, but Alex knew better! One part of the plan that never really added up was the supposed planned assassination of Claire Haas, but that blank was filled in as well, thanks to Miss Parrish’s investigative prowess. As Shelby once said, “She really was born for this.”

Claire didn’t exactly confess anything, but the look on her face when she saw Caleb said it loud and clear. Sure Liam was twisted, diabolical and completely unforgivable, but he thought what he was doing had a greater purpose. His goal was ultimately good, but his methods couldn’t have been more wrong and indefensible. Claire got involved so she could win an election! That’s just pure selfishness and evil, and we really didn’t see that coming from Caleb’s mother. For shame, Claire, but well done, Quantico!

What was your favorite moment from the ‘Quantico’ season 1 finale?