Once you play a game with the PlayStation 5’s DualSense controller, you’ll forget about the DualShock 4, claims a Bethesda employee.

The immersive features of the PlayStation 5 DualSense controller will blow previous iterations of Sony’s video game console controllers out of the water, says Bethesda’s Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications Pete Hines.

With incredible haptic vibration feedback that authentically makes it feel like you’re walking through mud or grass, Hines thinks “games are gonna do some really cool things with them.”

Hines states, “You sort of immediately forget about a PS4 controller,” and “I went back and forth between them and you immediately just want to use the PS5.”

Speaking of the adaptive triggers, Hines states he “was very impressed.” The controller will feature trigger buttons that will react to different scenarios by giving levels of tension, which will make firing a bow or pulling a gun’s trigger feel more realistic.

The DualSense controller has an improved touchbar, with the responsive light offering a less obtrusive experience. The DualShock 4’s light bar can often be too bright and distract from the gameplay more than was intended.

PS5’s controller will have an improved microphone, which may give players without a proper headset a more accessible option to chat with players in real-time.

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A small improvement of the controller is that the inside of the ridge where your thumbs rest has a textured surface, hopefully improving the joysticks’ durability and precision.

Sony’s press release on the DualShock 5 still references a Holiday 2020 release window, and teases how the tech company is looking “forward to sharing more information about PS5, including the console design, in the coming months.”