We’re taking a deep dive into the last Pretty Little Liars trailer we’ll ever see!

After seven years, Pretty Little Liars only has one (two-hour) episode left! One episode to give us all of the answers, romance, answers, friendship, answers, returning characters, answers, happy endings, and answers that we still need. Oh yeah, did I mention that we need answers?!

There’s so much that we’re dying to know before Pretty Little Liars ends forever. We could just wait until the series finale airs, but what kind of Pretty Little Liars fans would we be if we weren’t theorizing down to the last second?

For said theorizing, we have two things at our disposal: the trailer for Pretty Little Liars season 7, episode 20 and whatever the hell we can remember/put together from everything that’s already happened. So first, watch the trailer. Then, we’ll get started.

Overanalyzing the ‘Pretty Little Liars’ series finale trailer

The trailer starts off by showing us a montage of everyone sporting the iconic black hoodie. The montage includes Alison, Spencer, Toby, Aria, Mona and Charlotte. Noticeably absent is Shana, who we also saw donning A’s signature look. However, Shana was operating separately from the A team, so it makes sense. Also, she’s definitely dead (or is she?!), so her absence wouldn’t provide a clue, either way.

The “black hoodie” montage is followed by a couple blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moments. In the first one, Emily and Ezra seem to be running through some sort of tunnel. It looks more like they’re running toward something than away from something/someone, to me.

The thing that I took away from this scene is that even though A.D. literally drove off into the sunset at the end of Pretty Little Liars season 7, episode 19, the Liars still have a fight ahead of them in the final episode.

The next quick shot is of the Liars sitting outside, in Rosewood. They appear to all be in dresses, so this could potentially be before/after a wedding. Is it just me, or does Aria’s dress look white?

This scene happens as we hear Spencer telling Hanna that “there’s only one rule, you don’t look back.” This dialogue doesn’t take place in the scene pictured above, though, as the clothing is different. Most likely, this dialogue is said during the scene pictured below, where everyone is sitting around a table, outside, while A.D. watches through the bushes.

There are a couple reasons why Spencer could be saying this. This could be their goodbye dinner, after they’ve cracked the case and vowed to leave Rosewood behind, but Hanna looks too frightened for that. Also, it would be way too frustrating to see them all enjoying a goodbye dinner at the end, only to see that A/A.D is still watching.

Spencer could also be saying this about a plan that they’ve concocted. Maybe, Spencer’s taking on a dangerous part of the plan and wants to ensure that the other Liars don’t mess things up to save her. Hopefully not!

Next, we see the five Liars seemingly comforting Aria. Judging by their clothing, this is the same scene that we see later in the trailer, in which Aria claims that she “can’t marry Ezra.” The interesting thing about this scene is that Alison’s hair is much different than it had been at the end of Pretty Little Liars season 7, episode 19. She has full bangs and is much more blonde.

Alison isn’t shown much in the trailer, so it’s difficult to gauge if the change will be seen throughout the entire episode, or if it’s just in this one scene. This could mean that either the episode, or at least this scene, takes place after some time has passed. That, or Ali just picked a strange time to change up her look.

It would make sense that some time has passed since Aria and Ezra were on great terms when we last saw them! Everything was out in the open, and he was standing up for her to the other Liars. Something new would have to happen for her to make a statement like that. Also, it has been known that there will be a one year time jump before the show ends.

Next, we get a “what is going on” from Emily to Alison, and a Spoby kiss followed by Spoby sex. As far as Emison goes, Emily could be talking about literally anything, so it’s difficult to form any theories based on her line.

Toby and Spencer (or potentially Spencer’s twin) hooked up the last time we saw them together, so this isn’t a huge surprise. It’s a little frustrating that they’ll just magically be endgame after a season apart in which Toby got married and then tragically lost his wife, but at this point, there are bigger fish to fry.

Related: Pretty Little Liars: Why I’m worried about every single ship in season 7

My theory, for this scene, is regarding the scar that Toby noticed on Spencer during their last rendezvous. Perhaps the scar will magically be gone, and that’s how Spencer’s twin will be discovered! In case you haven’t noticed, I’m pretty sold on the “Spencer has a twin theory,” but if you’re not, please feel free to tell me why, in the comments!

I don’t know about you, but when I think of Pretty Little Liars and snowglobes, I think of Emison. So, when I see A.D. entering a room behind a snowglobe, I immediately begin to fear for those two beauties! Let’s hope they fare better than the globe after A.D.’s intrusion.

Next, we get a quick look at some characters who’ll be returning for the series finale. First, we see Jenna. All we can really deduce from our first look at her is that she’ll be in the episode, but she shows up again later alongside Addison Derringer!

Related: Pretty Little Liars: Who is Addison Derringer and why should you care?

We also see Melissa Hastings with a horse and Spencer (or Twincer). Since Wren appears to have a fairly significant role in the finale, I’m betting Melissa will too. Whatever Melissa and Jenna are up to, their presence really makes it feel like we’re going back to the beginning of Pretty Little Liars, which is very exciting!

Following the reveal of some returning characters (which there will hopefully be way more of), we enter a very Spencer-heavy section. Actually, the whole trailer is pretty Spencer-heavy. Maybe because there are twice as many Spencers…hmmm.

First, we see Spence being knocked out by Mona in a way that’s extremely reminiscent of the first A reveal, which I’m ecstatic about. A few reasons why Mona could be hitting Spencer are because Mona’s working for A.D., because Spencer’s A.D., or perhaps because Mona’s angry about being turned over by the Liars for Charlotte’s murder.

I would much prefer it if Mona actually knocked out Spencer’s twin, though. Mostly because Mona showed her true allegiance to the Liars on the top of that church tower, and if she reverted to being against them in the finale, it would seem like a huge regression for her character.

Next, we see Spence looking as though she’s waking up from a great nap on a white pillow. This could be in the hospital, in Toby’s bed, or perhaps even in a dream. Then, we see her backing away from something in fear. Finally, we see her hugging Mary Drake, in prison.

Later in the trailer, we return to this same scene of Mary Drake and Spencer. However, things take a turn for the worse, pretty quickly. After she confessed to a murder she didn’t commit so that Spencer could go free, we see Mary hurting Spencer! Or, is she actually hurting Spencer’s twin for going after Spencer? Alternatively, Mary’s confession could’ve been part of a longer con, if Mary is actually working against the Liars.

We then see Aria entering a closet that has board games in it. Other than being an excuse to get more Aria in the trailer and perhaps being a callback to how Aria, herself, entered the game, there’s not much to say about that.

So let’s move on to…

Wren Kingston! With a gun! In the bedroom! At least we know that we’ll finally be getting the answers we’ve been dying for when it comes to Wren, whether he turns out to be A.D. or not! The last time we saw Wren, he was sitting in an airport with a Hastings/Drake who was almost definitely not Spencer, so I’m thinking if Twincer is real, Wren is her accomplice. Maybe Melissa is even along for the ride.

The trailer ends with Mona facing A.D. in her hospital gown and saying “I never would have guessed it was you.” What we can take from this is that A.D. is definitely not Mona, and is someone that Mona knows! Or at least, someone who looks exactly like someone she knows.

This basically leaves any Pretty Little Liars character on the table, other than those who Mona has suspected. I’d cross off Alison, Melissa and Jenna, at least, just based on the fact that Mona probably would’ve figured them out.

Wren and Twincer are both promising. Mona has had her suspicions about Wren, but I don’t think she’s ever suspected that he’s pulling the strings. Mona definitely wouldn’t be expecting Spencer to be the culprit, so her twin would have the same impact.

Well, that’s it for my theories. Do you agree? Do you disagree? Did I miss anything? Let me know, in the comments. All I know for sure is, based on this trailer, we’re in for a hell of a ride with the two hour Pretty Little Liars series finale!

What are your predictions for the ‘Pretty Little Liars’ series finale?