Learn which actress has landed the lead role of Alice in Once Upon a Time‘s upcoming Wonderland spinoff – and what the show will be called!

The Once Upon a Time creators Adam Horowitz and Ed Kitsis are expanding the universe of the show, and creating a spinoff series set in Wonderland.

Following yesterday’s news that actor Michael Socha will be playing one of the spinoff’s three lead characters the Knave, Deadline has now learned who will be playing Alice.

The 23-year-old Australian actress Sophie Lowe will be taking on the iconic role – and she certainly looks the part, bearing a striking resemblance to the last actress to immortalise the character, Mia Wasikowska (who starred in Tim Burton’s 2010 version of Alice in Wonderland).

Meanwhile, British actor Peter Gadiot appears to have been cast in the third lead role. Previously this character was named Amahl, but it appears his name has been changed to Cyrus. Deadline describes him as, “Alice’s love interest with a background shrouded in mystery.”

So now it seems we have a complete main character line-up! But what will this spinoff actually be called? Well, it appears that they’re making the branding very apparent, titling this project simply Once: Wonderland.

We predict that it’ll soon be shortened to just Wonderland among fans, but of course that title was already taken by the NBC pilot currently in development.