Today we’re excited to introduce a new podcast joining the Hypable Podcast Network: The Rotoscopers! Those of you who love animation will love this one.

Whether it’s from Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar, The Rotoscopers are obsessed with animation in all its forms, but this podcast will mainly focus on animated feature films. Each episode will consist of a news roundup, a main review of a current or past animated film, and a disussion of animation various techniques.

The Rotoscopers have actually been around since February of this year, so you have fourteen episodes to catch up on. They are the first of a couple pre-existing podcasts who’ll be joining Hypable in the coming months.

The latest episode, which focuses on part two of their Brave review amongst other fun, is immediately available at this link. From that page you’ll also be able to subscribe via iTunes.

We’re thrilled to have The Rotoscopers join us. Morgan, Chelsea, and Mason fit in perfectly with the Hypable podcasting spirit!