After about eight wonderful years, Cote de Pablo has decided to leave NCIS. Because we know it won’t be easy to see her go, we’ve come up with a few tips on how to deal with Ziva leaving.

We’ll be the first to admit that we practically cried when we heard the news that Ziva David was no longer going to visit our TV screens every Tuesday night. It seems like just yesterday that we were trying to get over Kate’s death, and now we have to deal with Ziva leaving.

It’s just not fair. We just have so many feels. After all, she had such a great chemistry with each and every character on the show. Especially Tony. Nowadays, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a NCIS fan who hasn’t been rooting for “Tiva.”

So, because we know just how hard it is going to be to say goodbye to one of NCIS‘s most popular characters, take a look at our advice on how to deal with Ziva leaving the show for good.

Buy tissues. Lots and lots of tissues.

We’re not going to lie: The way we feel about Ziva leaving NCIS is similar to the way we feel during season finale season. So, it should come as no surprise that there would be some crossover between this list of tips and our list of season finale survival kit necessities. Tissues are a definite must-have item when it comes to emotional times like these.

For those of you who are 21 or over, pour yourself a tall glass of something. You’re going to need it.

While we don’t condone binge drinking, alcoholism, or underage drinking, sometimes it’s best to drink your feelings and drown your sorrows in your favorite drink. It’ll help you relax a bit and keep the reality of Ziva no longer being on the show from hitting you all at once. Plus, maybe you’ll feel inspired to start building a boat (or something else that has yet to be revealed) in your basement.

Pull a total USA Network and have a Ziva marathon.

Marathons always make everything better. Whether we’re missing our favorite show or our favorite character, marathoning a TV series is always a good idea. We’re able to spend hours in a world that we enjoy and leave all of our cares behind, including recent developments with the show. So, find all of your favorite Ziva-centric episodes of NCIS or any episodes that have funny Ziva moments and watch them in any order you’d like. The marathon will make you forget about Ziva leaving.

Have a Ziva-less ‘NCIS’ Marathon

After you’ve finished watching a bunch of episodes with Ziva, move on to the ones where she is completely absent. Even though we all still miss Kate, it may be best to do a marathon of the first two seasons (although, we do suggest turning your TV off right before Kate gets shot). Yes, watching episodes with Kate may irritate old wounds, but it may help ease you into a Ziva-less NCIS. Who knows, maybe with this kind of preparation, Ziva leaving won’t be as heartbreaking as you had planned. (Disclaimer: We said maybe.)

Try to find the positives of her leaving.

We know how hard this will be, but if you try, it may make you feel better. For instance, maybe we’ll get more Tony and McGee bonding. Or more Bachelor Tony moments. Ooh or maybe even a double date with Bachelor Tony and McGee! We know it’s a stretch, but in times like these where all we feel like doing is wallowing, sometimes we have to force ourselves to find some positives.

Go to a yoga class so you at least have an excuse to remain in the fetal position.

As soon as Ziva’s last episode starts, we know that we’ll be assuming the fetal position. In fact, we probably won’t come out of the fetal position for a while, even after the episode ends. While you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed about when it comes to grieving over Ziva, you may feel a little embarrassed or self-conscious after spending so much time in the fetal position. To make yourself feel better or more productive, join a yoga class. That way, you can do two good things for yourself at one time, and hopefully recover from Ziva leaving a bit faster.

Think of things that you disliked about Ziva and focus on those.

Yeah right. Like anyone could dislike anything about Ziva David. She’s flawless, people. Come on. As if. Goodbye, Ziva David. We’re going to miss you like crazy.

How do you plan to deal with Ziva leaving? (besides crying)
