If you live across the pond and missed out on the reboot of horror staple Scream, you can catch up now if you have access to Netflix U.K.

This year, MTV rebooted the Scream franchise in television form. It aired in June for 10 episodes, detailing a story we’re already familiar with — Survivor Girl’s mother has a mysterious past that comes back to haunt both of them, pitting the daughter against a masked murderer.

The television show took the general concept of Scream and made it their own, giving us a huge dose of horror and comedy in equal measure.

As of October 1, U.K. Netflix users have access to all 10 episodes of the show, just in time for binge watching on Halloween. Just keep the lights on and don’t go out alone. Noah wouldn’t approve.

Unfortunately, there’s no word yet on if U.S. Netflix users will get their hands on the full season of Scream (though it is still available on MTV’s website).

MTV’s other hit series, Teen Wolf, was taken down from Netflix and added to Amazon Instant, which currently streams the first four seasons. You can watch season 5 on Hulu or MTV’s website.

However, Teen Wolf is not on Netflix U.K. either, so it remains to be seen where Scream will end up. Perhaps the U.S. Netflix can strike a deal to stream the series, despite MTV taking some of their other properties elsewhere.

After only airing five episodes, MTV ordered Scream season 2. Considering how successful Teen Wolf has been for MTV, it should be no surprise that yet another horror show has gone on to do well on the network.

After finally revealing the killer(s) in Scream season 1, there’s a lot of work ahead to make the sophomore season as interesting and mysterious as its initial run. After all, now that we know who remains to put on the mask, it takes the guesswork out of who the killer is. Luckily, the team behind Scream has some great ideas in the works.

Have you watched MTV’s ‘Scream’ yet?