When we last left our heroes, our Modern Family was recovering from a slew of curse words from none other than toddler Lily. Now, Phil and Claire will face another challenge in the form of Greg Kinnear.

While the last episode unleashed a slew of protest and controversy, this week’s episode of Modern Family is slightly more tame. The synopsis released by ABC is as follows:

Phil is so preoccupied with impressing his new business partner, Tad (Greg Kinnear), that he doesn’t notice what Claire believes is Tad being overtly inappropriate with her. Meanwhile, Jay and Gloria let Mitchell and Cameron stay over while their house is fumigated, and it turns out four is a crowd.

We know Greg Kinnear will be great, but honestly, we are more excited for the Jay/Gloria/Mitchell/Cameron/Manny/Lily explosion (look at the picture we chose to represent this week … aren’t the facial expressions magical?).

Check out the preview pictures below then tell us: what are you most excited about in this episode? Do you hope that Greg Kinnear will be a reoccurring character?

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