Luke Cage is back and fighting for Harlem, but despite his new, brutal attitude, he might have just met his match in the new, full-length trailer for season 2.

After the first season of Marvel’s Luke Cage, Harlem was changed forever thanks to its new, bulletproof guardian. Luke Cage took to the streets to protect the citizens of Harlem from any who would attempt to do harm, and even though the fight was a rough one, he ultimately left the first season and the events of The Defenders as the savior and protector of Harlem.

Related: Marvel’s Luke Cage season 2 punches back in new teaser and stills


But in season 2, we’re not only seeing Luke Cage as he slides more comfortably into his role as a person bent on protecting those who need it most, but he’s seeming to become a bit more comfortable owning the fact that he is a person with superpowers. However, as we see from the trailer, that level of comfort that he’s feeling with his superpowers might be turning him into someone a bit more brutal than we’d hope.

Of course, Luke’s new attitude might be just what he needs in the face of the new threat to Harlem. Not only is Mariah Dillard still out to rule Harlem, but a new, powered person is also pulling for the borough and might just be Luke Cage’s match.

Thankfully, Luke is never alone. The trailer shows him with his amazing girlfriend and everyone’s favorite Night Nurse, Claire Temple, but he’s also got a formidable ally in Misty Knight.

While Misty’s arm was chopped off at the end of The Defenders, no one can keep Misty Knight down for long. In the trailer, we get a look at her kicking ass with her new bionic arm, which fans of the comic book have been very excited to see this season. And while she makes an off-handed comment about Luke being her sidekick (which Luke quickly brushes off, saying “it’s my show”), we are really excited to see Misty and Luke working together more this season to keep Harlem safe.

Luke Cage season 2 is set to hit Netflix on June 22. Get your queues ready, and be sure you’re all caught up by then!