How about that sorta penultimate episode, huh? Thanks to our current pandemic, next week is probably gonna be the unintentional season 2 finale, and Legacies season 2 episode 15 was pretty great buildup.

Some interesting twists in Legacies season 2 episode 15, “Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself.” I liked Hope’s plan, I think there’s a very simple twist to Landon’s story that will keep that from being what it looks like (more on that later), and a damn good twist in the Merge mythology.

Read on for all the interesting details and make sure to reach out and let me know what you thought of the episode!

Lord Josie-mort

Can I get a massive round of applause for Kaylee Bryant?! I mean bra-freaking-vo, girl. Legacies season 2, episode 15 illustrated just how incredible an actress she is. I really appreciate that she seems to have taken some cues from other series’ heroes that have taken a walk on the evil side, but she made the role her own.

I am excited to see how this arc is going to wrap up, even if we have to wait til next fall to see it. Please note, next week’s episode is the last episode that the Legacies crew completed before they were forced to close up shop to keep the cast and crew safe from the current pandemic. So, it will probably play as our season finale for now, and hopefully we will get the four remaining episodes (including that MUSICAL EPISODE) that we were excited about sometime before the season 3 premiere next fall.

Also, I NEED to know what shade of red that lipstick is. It’s INCREDIBLE.

Where did Dark Josie go when she walked out of the Salvatore School last week?

So, we know she burst the front entrance into flames as she walked out of the Salvatore School at the end of last episode. And she was gone for at least a little while, because Alaric was pretty freaked about her being gone at the beginning of Legacies season 2, episode 15. So, where was she? What was she up to? We know that she didn’t meet the Necromancer or enact pretty much any of her plot until this episode, so I’m really curious as to what she might have done before returning to the Salvatore School for her birthday.

I really do appreciate a good training sequence

Even when they make no sense. Watching M.G. training Lizzie in his mind was both hilarious and completely useless. We are well aware of what happens in the Merge, thanks to all that TVD Merge talk over the years, and no manner of training her in targeting her magic or sit ups is going to give her an edge. But it was a nice little moment in Legacies season 2, episode 15.

Who bought that Alyssa Chang death scene?

I was so upset! Mostly because, since Olivia Liang has herself a new CW pilot, I truly believed this may have been the last we saw of our badass antagonist. I’m so glad it’s not, at least for now. We have no idea what lies ahead for our Necromancer zombies, so there’s still a definite chance we could be saying a permanent goodbye to Alyssa before our truncated version of Legacies season 2 is complete.

And did the Necromancer/Josie have a greater reason for killing Alyssa Chang other than just to make such a tragic impression on all the heroes? Was it to eavesdrop on their scheming and plotting? Or is there something even more sinister afoot?

Credit goes to whomever invented the silver tray blood sculpture idea

So, I sometimes think this show needs to lean heavier on practical effects and avoid special-effects-heavy ideas, but this one was just the right amount of useful and totally weird. I can’t help but think it may have come in handy earlier, since we’ve had a few mysterious deaths over the years that could have been solved so much more simply if they could just dribble a little blood on a silver platter.

I liked the general idea, though, and can appreciate the drama of letting us see that Raf totally didn’t realize that his unhealed wound definitely meant he was the dead one. He watched his own face materialize out of his blood, and that’s just crazy no matter how you slice it.

Alaric Saltzman and the time he was sent to a chambre de chasse to get him out of the way

This storyline in Legacies season 2, episode 15 was pretty simple, but since it was just Alaric and Kaleb locked away in the box, that was kind of to be expected. I did love that Alaric picked an Indiana Jones-esque adventure for his chambre de chasse setting. It seemed very fitting for the vampire-hunting history professor turned college occult studies professor.

It did provide a good message though. Alaric does try to do everything by himself. He always thinks it’s all or nothing. Hopefully, he’ll remember the lesson he was taught in the chambre de chasse and won’t just disregard what he had to do to get out of there.

Also good to note, Alaric’s word was “Socius” which means associate, friend or ally. I still think these latin words are going to mean something at some point. It’s just a hunch. It’s probably wrong.

The Merge in a boxing ring?

My first question: I thought the Merge had to coincide with a celestial event? Like, they needed the charge of some cosmic happening to power the spell that merges the two Gemini Coven twins? I could have sworn that was the case. Maybe there was some random celestial event going on for their birthday and Darth Josie just chose not to tell us.

Anyway, moving on, I didn’t see Josie choosing a boxing ring for her big Merge/birthday party theme. I mean, she and Lizzie were definitely going to battle it out, but I just figured her for a ring painted on the floor, salt circle, or candle-motif rather than the on-the-nose option. But, to each their own, I guess. That’s hardly important with all the other things going on in Legacies season 2, episode 15.

My regards to the Necromancer

Have I mentioned how much I love having the Necromancer back? He’s inventive, really smart, has a flair for the dramatic, and enjoys a good opponent as much as anyone. Honestly, I would be perfectly okay if Malivore stayed a bit for another few seasons and we just got to see the Necromancer bringing chaos back to the Salvatore season after season after season.

But, yeah, he and Voldy-Josie are a great duo. She definitely loves his flair for drama, and he needs a dark gal pal to round out his little circle of villainy. I don’t know what lies ahead for Josie, but I really hope the Necromancer isn’t dispatched at the end of season 2. Keep the guy alive at least. PLEASE JULIE PLEC??? Just so he can come back in a couple seasons and delight us all over again.

The pre-main event festivities

Hope showing up, doing the most unnecessary flipping since Derek Hale, landing in the classic superhero landing, and then knocking the “how about all three?” line out of the park is just peak Mikaelson-hero antics. Hope also has a flair for the dramatic, but it’s such a wholesome kind of drama that I just can’t help but love her brand.

Lizzie: Our closet geek hero

I love that M.G. brought our blonde nerd girl out of the closet. Even if it is just around him. Whether she’s a comic book aficionado or more a fantasy enthusiast (she loved everything that old-school Sebastian had going on after all), I love a pop-culture-loving character. She and M.G. make a perfect pair, and this reveal in Legacies season 2, episode 15 makes me think that her endgame may just be with the feminist vampire with a non-beating heart of gold.

Did Raf actually think he could talk Landon into killing him?

Like, wouldn’t he have had a better chance of getting what he wanted if he asked, like, Jed? Or was his getting Landon to kill him just a reason for him to be around his bestie so he could drive that arrow into his stomach?

Methinks this is the Necromancer at work. No matter how badly off he was, I don’t think there’s any state Raf could be in that would convince Landon to kill him. They’re brothers after all, and we know how important that brother-bond can be.

So, who is thinking that golden arrow may have something in common with another immortal-slaying object?

Since Landon died in front of Raf after being stabbed with the golden arrow, but Raf left the arrow in our curly-haired phoenix friend, I have a gut feeling that the arrow functions just like our favorite Original daggers.

That’s right. Remember the daggers for the Original family? How, no matter how long they were in them, they couldn’t actually slay them? That, once removed, the Mikaelson would return to the land of the living to terrorize once again. That’s how I believe Landon is going to come back. All we have to do is get someone to pull that arrow out of his stomach.

The best laid plans…

So, everything seems to be going to plan as of the end of Legacies season 2, episode 15, if you don’t count that whole “Landon is kinda sorta dead” thing. Voldy-Josie thinks she’s running the show, full of post-Merge power and authority.

Meanwhile, Hope is totally in her head, working on freeing the real Josie from wherever the black magic is holding her prisoner. Lizzie is still alive after the Merge, which makes me think they didn’t actually complete the Merge, and it will rear its ugly head as 22 gets closer. M.G., Alaric, Kaleb, and the rest are going to convince Josie that Lizzie is totally dead and buy Hope the time she needs to free the real Josie Saltzman. Do we think this plan is actually going to work? Cause I think it just might! **crosses fingers**

What did you think of ‘Legacies’ season 2, episode 15?