Tony Stark is the world’s expert when it comes to the bromance, whether being his billionaire self or moonlighting as Iron Man, he attracts men from all over the world. Here are seven tips straight from the life of Tony Stark himself that will help you perfect the art of the bromance.

Tony and Bruce, Tony and Steve, Tony and Rhodey – it’s almost impossible to keep track of exactly how many of these relationships he has formed over the years. Have you ever wondered just exactly how he has achieved this level of bromance expertise? You’re in luck.

With Iron Man 3 hitting international theaters yesterday and headed for U.S. theaters next Friday, check out the seven tips that Stark uses to achieve the perfect bromance.

1. Wine and dine

Your significant brother (“Bro” + “significant other”) will love to be doted upon. Find something that you think he will really like and that you enjoy as well. Also, don’t be afraid to think out of the box. For instance, in Iron Man, Stark entertains his bro, Rhodey, with booze and pole-dancing flight attendants.

Though he refuses the gesture at first, Rhodey soon thoroughly enjoys himself just like Tony knew he would. There is no such thing as being too extravagant when it comes to wining and dining. However, if you’re strapped for cash, try kindling your bromance over some shawarma.

2. Compliment and praise

Everyone loves to be complimented every once in a while. Complimenting him conveys that you pay closer attention to your bro than he realized. If you feel strange heaping praise on your significant brother, try Tony Stark’s minimalist method. Lines like: “Well, you’re not wrong;” Tony’s positive response to Steve Rogers’ astute observation that the Helicarrier’s control board “runs on some form of electricity,” maintain your cool reputation and manliness while still giving credit where credit’s due.

Having trouble coming up with a random compliment? Try to think about what you like best or admire most about your bro, physical or otherwise – he may even return the favor. Talk about an ego boost, it’s a win-win.

3. Engage in witty banter

What better way to woo your male friend and kindle a bromance than to impress him with your words? With witty banter, you can show off your intelligence as well as your cleverness. Throw in some pop culture references and you’ve got a bond on par with the Gilmore girls (not like you know who they are because you’re a manly man).

You two will be chatting it up and getting your bromance on in no time. Take Tony Stark and Steve Rogers’ interactions in the first two thirds of The Avengers. Their bromance grew stronger and stronger the more the two exchanged clever quips.

4. Let your bro take the lead sometimes

In relationships, there’s usually one person that’s more of a leader or has a stronger personality than the other. It’s totally normal. By letting your significant brother call the shots sometimes, he’ll feel appreciated and empowered. Any improvement in your bro’s mood or confidence will positively affect your relationship.

If it’s any incentive, when Captain America took the reins, the Avengers saved Manhattan. Just think of what the role switch could do for your bromance.

5. Bond over mutual interests and other things you have in common

Hobbies. Passions. Physical mutations or augmentations. Find a few things that you have in common and focus on them. Celebrating common interests will not only help you learn more about each other but will strengthen your bromantic connection. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner’s bromance would not have developed nearly as well if they hadn’t have had the time to work on science projects together and swap secrets.

Furthermore, the Stark/Banner bromance greatly benefited from talking about the similarities and differences between “The Big Guy” and Stark’s “Circle of Light.” Just start with something simple and go from there.

6. Show a little bit of vulnerability

Just like in a romantic relationship, you cannot hide your softer, more sensitive side from your significant brother and hope to continue your bromance. He needs to know your weaknesses and fears so that he can be there for you as best he can, and vice versa. Besides, he’ll be impressed that you’re brave enough to reveal such things to him. Plus, because he’s your bro, he wouldn’t even think of ever bringing up these moments ever again. Sharing your vulnerabilities will make your bromance stronger than ever before.

Still need a little convincing? Consider Stark’s desert rescue from the first Iron Man film. With a simple hug, Tony and Rhodey’s bromance becomes practically impenetrable. After all, they’re still friends after Tony’s fiasco of a birthday party in the second film.

7. Show off your assets

If all else fails, do what Tony Stark always does: impress your significant brother with miscellaneous goods. Your hot, souped up ride, closet full of fancy suits, or your trophy case of achievements and awards – even your body. Use whatever is at your disposal.

If you follow these simple tips, maybe one day you’ll end up as happy as Iron Man and Captain America:

Stark’s bromance will be in full view next week, when Iron Man 3 hits U.S. theaters May 3.