If Indiana Jones producer Frank Marshall has his way, no one but Harrison Ford will ever pick up Indy’s whip and fedora.

In all the excitement about who’ll be playing the next Indiana Jones, we forgot one thing: Perhaps, the answer is no one.

Speaking to Total Film (via SlashFilm), Indy producer Frank Marshall said that all the rumors we’ve heard (mostly about Chris Pratt) are just that — rumors.

“We haven’t even sat down to talk about Indy yet,” Marshall says. “At some point, we’ll sit down. But there’s a bunch of people who could probably take the baton. [But we are] not doing the Bond thing where we’re going to call somebody else Indiana Jones… we have to figure this out.”

Related: Chris Pratt sets the record straight on Ghostbusters and Indiana Jones rumors

It sounds like the model for future Indiana Jones movies will be more along the line of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (god help us), where Harrison Ford’s Indy will be joined by a younger, more agile model. In Crystal Skull, that model was Shia LeBeouf. It probably won’t be Shia in future movies.

So, are we looking at a re-cast Mutt, or will the Indiana Jones franchise be rebooted with a brand new character? Perhaps Indy takes on a protegé, Men in Black style, or maybe a rival archaeologist arrives on the scene.

And hey, maybe this actually makes it possible for Anna Kendrick to star in an Indiana Jones movie which, let’s face it, would be the best thing ever. Let’s reminisce:

Do you want to see more Indiana Jones movies, or is it time to put this franchise to rest?