Tonight’s TGIT included the season finales of Grey’s Anatomy and Station 19. Here are our thoughts on what happened!

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ 15×25 ‘Jump Into The Fog’:

It’s a Grey’s Anatomy season finale and everything is chaos.

Teddy’s contractions are already going strong but they have to wait for the babysitter to arrive though. When they finally do get to leave, they find out that the pileup has shut down the road.

Of course, Teddy starts to freak out that she might have to give birth in the car. Amelia gets out of the car to see if she can get some help from the cops getting through the traffic.

On the ride in the cop car, it looks like Amelia and Teddy might be bonding a little. Until Amelia lets it slip that Owen and Karina once hooked up and Teddy is freaked out that her baby daddy and OB hooked up.

Owen is trying to figure out what is going on with the pile up on the road while Schmitt sings to Francis to help calm her down. They manage to get a ride in an ambulance.

Just as Owen gets to the hospital with Francis, Teddy and Amelia roll up in the cop car. He quickly finds out what’s going on, but not before Teddy yells at him for having dated Karina.

It doesn’t take long before Teddy is actively giving birth while Karina and Owen help her through it. And Owen finally makes his little love confession to help Teddy fight through the pain.

Meredith is in a panic as she’s stuck inside the chamber with Alex and Gus while DeLuca is taken away. It does give them time to talk about what’s going on with Jo.

She tells him all about what Jo told him. Alex can’t help but think about what happened before Jo left. He wanted to stop her but Jo was determined to go.

Even though they had to deal with the mess with the insurance company, Catherine lets Gabby’s father know that they’re going to take care of all her medical costs.

Meanwhile, Weber tries to figure out what the heck is going on when he sees DeLuca being taken away in handcuffs. Bailey tells him what happened and she’s not convinced that he was the only one in on the plan either.

Gus ends up crashing which leaves Meredith and Alex trying to keep him alive while they wait for the blood to arrive.

Jo ends up being the one to draw Francis’ blood and actually seems to gain something from talking to the woman who had to face all of her fears on the trip to the hospital.

She gets the blood to Alex and Meredith just in time and the blood works to bring Gus back.

Afterwards Weber, Meredith, and Alex go to talk to Bailey about what happened with DeLuca. They all admit to being in on it to and Bailey tells them that they’re all fired. Catherine can’t believe it either.

Meredith stop at home quickly to say goodbye to her kids before going to see DeLuca. She tells him her plan to turn herself in, but she also tells him that she loves him. Alex brings Jo get psychiatric help with the help of Bailey.

Maggie and Jackson are still trying to get their way out of the woods when he falls and nearly gets hurt. It leads to a fight when Maggie basically blames him for making her go camping.

They spend the rest of the walk arguing about how they view each other. It’s quite rough to watch. These two should just see the writing on the wall that they’re incompatible.

When they have to pull over on the side of the road, Jackson seems to disappear in the fog.

Nico and Schmitt actually work through their issues. It takes Nico to admit that he’s struggling and Schmitt agrees to help him out. That includes bringing him home and introducing him to his mom.

I’m glad that Grey’s Anatomy seems to have learned that they can devastate us without having to kill someone off! A lot happened in this season finale and there looks like there’s a lot to look forward to next season. It will just be slightly painful to wait until the fall to find out what happens next.

– Sonya Field

‘Station 19’ 2×17 ‘Into The Widlfire’:

All the Station 19-ers are headed to LA to work on the wildfires.

Sullivan gives them all a speech before they take the fire trucks on the road. He thanks them all for the very hard work they are all about to do. He reminds them that they just lost a friend and a chief, but that they are all still there and reporting for duty. It’s a beautiful little speech from a man who used to just bark orders most of the time. I love that Sullivan is a part of the team now.

Montgomery was still in the drunk tank when the 19 team left, but thanks to Tanner’s trip to San Diego for his training, Pruitt (who was there to bail Montgomery out) and Travis are hitching a ride to the front line.

On the way to LA, Maya and Gibson each tell their truck-mates about their relationship. Technically, they aren’t in violation of protocol since they are the same rank and that’s exactly what Sullivan says about it. No one seems to have too much to say, so at least that’s not a big secret anymore.

They turn a bend and get their first glimpse at the fire line. It’s pretty damn big and pretty damn hot, and they are here to do their best to stop it and/or prevent it from consuming any more properties.

Station 19 gets their marching orders from the incident commander and they head off to start prepping their assigned neighborhood. They’re going to pull in any and all outdoor furniture and try to clear any dry brush. If they can keep the fire from burning this neighborhood, it’ll go a long way to helping get at least part of the fire contained.

Miller promises a lovely old man that they will find his cat. He gets on the last shuttle out of there, but leaves his cat’s favorite blanket behind in case Miller finds it. Vic is a little morbid about the damn thing, but grief is weird.

While clearing out loose brush and flammable materials, Andy and Maya come across an older couple who didn’t evacuate. The husband insists that they’ve weathered worse fires than this and that they will be fine. They have taken all the standard precautions, but Andy still wants them to get to safety. The wife seems to want to get out, but the husband refuses to leave his home behind.

Terry and Maria, the older couple, are helping clear brush from a neighbor’s house when hot embers start drifting in from the fire up the hill. They realize that this home they’re standing in front of is probably going to go up really fast if the fire gets ahold of it. They call Maya and Andy to help them.

Montgomery, Pruitt, and Tanner arrive at command. Montgomery jumps right in on a coding patient at the triage tent and helps a very knowledgable medic get the patient through a seizure. He seems to be reading Travis’ mind with how fast he moves from step to step in the code. It isn’t until after they get the patient stable that the medic reveals that he’s deaf. Travis tries to communicate, but since he doesn’t sign very well, he’s quickly lost. Before he can worry too much about that, he overhears the incident commander talking about some updates he needs to deliver to the “Seattle team” and Travis chases after him to figure out what’s going on with his crew.

The news that Station 19 needed to hear is that the winds have shifted and cut off their only access road in or out of the area. So, they are stuck until a path can be cleared through the fire for them to get out. They have to hunker down and do their best with what they have.

Maria, Terry’s wife, is a little freaked out, and her nose starts to bleed. They take her into her house to treat her breathing issues. Terry leaves to go help finish clearing brush, and he gets his hand caught in the brush-cutting machine. Vic, Miller and Warren rush in to help. They make a quick assessment, then Vic and Miller rush off to get tools and supplies to help Terry. Warren stays behind to do whatever he can for their patient until help returns.

Terry loses consciousness and goes into shock, and Warren realizes that if they don’t get his bleeding under control and soon, Terry is going to die. They amputate his hand. Once Terry is free they move him into his house. They start working on him and get him stable pretty quickly.

Vic kinda freaks out, Miller goes to check on her and in walks the cat Miller promised he’d find. Miller takes this as a sign that the darkness is not going to win the day, but Vic takes it in the worst ways possible. Grief is a bitch, man.

Andy and Sullivan head out to check on things.

Vic is tending to Terry, who is acting incredibly maudlin. Vic may just be the best person to be there at the moment. She’s going through some of the same emotions he’s suffering through, so she can sincerely tell him that there’s going to be a rainbow.

They start to hear what sounds like rain, but they know it’s not, so Vic goes to the window and learns that the fire has raced down the hill and has officially arrived. It looks like a hellscape outside.

Pruitt, Tanner, and Montgomery are hearing the bad news at command central. The winds shifted again and the fire is spreading faster than any of them could have predicted. Dylan, the deaf medic, tells him (via text on his phone) that he’s been working this county for a long time. There’s a secondary path that they can use to evacuate everyone trapped in the neighborhood.

Meanwhile, Andy and Sullivan aren’t going to make it back to safety before the fire cuts them off from their team, so they look for shelter elsewhere. Unfortunately, every door they come across is locked, and things keep bursting into flames around them. Their only option is to jump into a pool and hold onto each other as the fire literally races over their heads.

They look into each other’s eyes in the silence underwater, and we get a montage of all of their best moments. All the bonding they’ve done since they fell off that cliff. Sullivan adorably grabs her face. They find an opening and decide to make a run for it.

Tanner’s idea to boost the radio signal works and they get a chance to talk to Maya. She and the rest of the team pile into their engines and Andy and Sullivan wave them down once they see the flashing lights. They are on the radio with Pruitt as they search for their exit path. Oh, and did I mention that Maya thinks the tires are starting to melt? Things just keep getting worse and worse.

Maya makes a crazy turn and they head down the path that was absolutely there. They make it out and back to command central. Phew.

Warren gives Terry’s wife his ring, Miller returns the old man’s cat to him, and Gibson plays matchmaker. Travis is gonna need to learn sign language, but Gibson tells him he should kiss this guy, so… Travis does. It’s pretty freaking adorable if you ask me.

Station 19 returns home to find out that despite the fire ravaging their neighborhood, it’s 80% contained now. Miller asks if everyone is going to come to brunch to meet Niki, and they are all excited. Miller greets his girlfriend and then Maya turns around to meet her. Total awkwardness. Niki is Maya’s ex. Oops.

Warren goes in for a meeting with the Medic One board. They are concerned with his history of rash decision-making. They start with the recent amputation, and go on to review his surgical career. They haven’t ruled him out as Medic One material, but they need to talk to him about his tendency to dive in headfirst all the time.

Vic stands staring at her bed. She seems like she can’t bring herself to get in. That is until she starts ribbing Travis about his new long-distance lover. Soon they bounce into her bed together and it’s definitely progress for Vic. A little while later, Travis hears a knock at the door and thinks it’s their food. Nope it’s a cop, here to arrest him. The little punk he punched at the bar has decided to press charges after being in the hospital for 2 days.

Sullivan mentions to Andy that the pool was their second near death experience together. They start to try to talk abut it, but soon they’re making out. They make their way through the station and all the way to his office. Andy takes a break for a few seconds and goes and locks the door to his office. Those few seconds are enough to make Sullivan re-think things. He tells her to go, but maybe not for the reasons we think. As soon as she leaves the room, he starts punching his bad leg. The last thing we see is Andy walking down the sidewalk with a bewildered, frustrated, and definitely upset look on her face.

As a big Sullivan and Andy fan (I’m sure we’ll get their ship name figured out this summer), I’m a bit flummoxed as to why we had to leave things like that, but I’m sure next season will figure all that out.

There’s a lot to look forward to, as there are a ton of threads left hanging loose at the end of this episode. The only person who doesn’t have a huge lingering cliffhanger at the moment is Vic… and maybe Gibson. The rest will just have to hang on til next fall when Station 19 will return for season 3.

– Kristen Kranz

What did you think of the ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ season 15 and ‘Station 19’ season 2 finales?