Morgan Jones from The Walking Dead is officially revealed as the crossover character into Fear the Walking Dead, and we have questions!

Knowing that Morgan is the crossover character, we’re afforded insights into what season 4 of Fear the Walking Dead has in store, and the future (or is it the past?) of Morgan Jones. The announcement of this shifting character presents us with three questions:

1) What is Morgan’s fate on ‘The Walking Dead’?

Morgan actor Lennie James all but confirmed that season 8 will be Morgan’s last on The Walking Dead, saying in an interview on Talking Dead, “…the hardest part of it, from beginning until now has been leaving The Walking Dead, leaving that cast, leaving that crew. And I’ve said my goodbyes to the cast and stuff, and I’ve said my goodbyes to the crew.” An impulsive prediction would be that Morgan dies at the end of season 8, but that’s not necessarily the case.

There are two possibilities for Morgan’s fate: Morgan dies, or Morgan leaves Virginia and our group. Each option takes Fear the Walking Dead down very different paths. His survival affects the time in which season 4 will take place.

Morgan was absent for most of The Walking Dead‘s run, only becoming a regular in season 6. But his sprinkled appearances throughout put limitations on where he could be, and when, in season 4 of Fear the Walking Dead.

Related: The Walking Dead Morgan Jones quotes: ‘All life is precious’

2) When will ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ season 4 take place?

Having appeared in Georgia in season 1 and season 3, and in Virginia part way through season 5, it’s likely Morgan’s appearance on Fear the Walking Dead will place it around the same time The Walking Dead is currently taking place. Yes, that would mean a big time jump in the Fear universe.

The Walking Dead has been known to significantly jump forwards in time, so it wouldn’t be an unusual move to make. Particularly if they’re trying to rejuvenate Fear the Walking Dead, a drastic measure like jumping forwards years in time could be what it needs.

Less likely but still probable is that we could see a past life Morgan. We don’t know everything Morgan did between The Walking Dead seasons 1 and 3, or seasons 3-5, so it’s possible Morgan traveled out of Georgia for a time after his son’s death. It’s an unlikely possibility though, given that it would restrict Fear the Walking Dead‘s timeline quite a bit.

Related: 4 Fear the Walking Dead characters we want to see return for season 4

3) Where will ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ take place?

Fear the Walking Dead is currently shooting in Austin, Texas, which could indicate that season 4 will take place in Texas at some point. Indeed, the finale of season 3 mentioned that Texas had an outpost and electrical grid, so perhaps Alicia will head there next and meet up with Morgan.

However, all we know is that the season is shooting in Texas. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s taking place there. The Walking Dead currently takes place in Virginia, though it films in Georgia. It’s also possible season 4 could take place in Madison’s home state of Alabama.

What do you think Morgan’s arrival means for ‘Fear the Walking Dead’?