So, Doctor Who has come back. It’s been going strong for several years now, and the question I want to ask is: where are all the dinosaurs? Or even just prehistoric creatures?

We’ve seen them in one or two comics, in the classic series, and, of course, those pterodactyls in The Wedding of River Song, but so far, the series’ historical episodes have focused on human civilization. This is all well and good, but one would have thought that the Doctor would eventually take his companions to see prehistory.

Why am I so bothered by this? Well, the main reason is because Doctor Who is made by the BBC, and one thing the BBC has gotten much, MUCH better at is its prehistoric natural history programming. The show has access to so many resources on prehistoric life, such as the animatronics and ready-designed graphics used in hit series like Walking with Dinosaurs or Walking with Beasts, as well as the expertise developed over these years to create an accurate representation. We’ve already seen the use of some of these (the graphics, at least) in The Wedding of River Song. So why not, BBC? Use the resources you already have, and make an episode on prehistory. With the right plot, I’m sure it would be fantastic.