After a few false starts, Gambit looks like it’s happening after all, with Gore Verbinski directing Channing Tatum in the title role.

For a while there, it looked like Gambit would have been the shadow image of Deadpool: both fuelled by the passion of fanboy-A-lister, the two superhero adaptations were heading down totally separate trajectories as Deadpool turned out to be a mega hit and Gambit, well, didn’t turn out at all.

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But Fox is breathing new life into the beast, bringing A Cure For Wellness‘ Gore Verbinski aboard to helm a movie that they undoubtedly hope can be a more auteur-esque, standalone superhero movie experience ala both Deadpool and Logan.

Collider now reports that the Verbinski-directed Gambit has been locked in for a February 14, 2019 release date, which is great news — and will require production to begin fairly soon!

It is no coincidence that they picked this date, either; they are very clearly hoping to emulate the branding of Deadpool, whose highly ironic Valentine’s Day 2016 release date was hugely successful.

We can’t wait to see what Gore Verbinski and Channing Tatum manage to put together!