Remember Me, a third person action-adventure game from Capcom and French developer Dontnod Entertainment, was revealed to the public at Gamescom last month. Capcom has now released our first lengthy look at Remember Me‘s gameplay. 

The action follows protagonist Nilin, an ex-memory hunter whose own memories were stolen from her. The plot of Remember Me focuses on her attempts to reclaim her past and simply to survive in the cutthroat city of Neo-Paris in 2084.

Not only does the footage provide us with a sense of the flow of the game, it also provides a better look at Neo-Paris. An extensive helicopter chase scene takes us through the city (which appears to made almost entirely of steel) and involves lots of roof jumping and shimmying up drainpipes. We also get a first proper look at Remember Me‘s combat – plenty of hand-to-hand fighting with the odd bit of memory removal included. Lastly, we see some stealth gameplay.

The footage contains strong language.

Missed Remember Me‘s initial reveal trailer? Catch up here.

This ten minutes of footage appears to be very linear – follow this route to survive, or else start again. While we don’t know if this heavily scripted sequence is representative of Remember Me as a whole, it does make this gameplay appear old-fashioned next to more open-ended stealth games like Bethesda’s DishonoredThe constant breaks for cutscenes and what looks like skill selection also threaten to break-up the flow and excitement of combat and this particular chase sequence. The setting and story remain interesting, and the combat looks solid.

Whatever you think of the gameplay, it’s clear that Nilin’s outfit isn’t comfortable to run in.

Remember Me will release in May 2013 on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

What are your impressions of our first decent look at Remember Me‘s gameplay? Does it have what it takes to compete with Dishonored?