With Avengers: Endgame comes the end of an era and the retirement of the first Avenger. At least we’ll always have these most unforgettable Steve Rogers quotes to look back on fondly.

Steve Rogers has taught us many things throughout the years. From the power of self-sacrifice to how not to speak to women, this skinny kid from Brooklyn has had quite an impact on all of our lives. So, what better way to remember his teachings and everything he stood for than by looking back on and celebrating his most memorable quotes?

Though he has had more than his fair share of gems throughout the years, the utterances below truly are the most iconic Steve Rogers quotes and ones we’ll carry with us for the rest of our lives.

(Note: There are a couple of quotes from Avengers: Endgame that made this list. While they’re spoiler-free, if you haven’t seen it yet, please take caution.)


Stay with me here. While this may not be one of the best Steve Rogers quotes in a traditional sense (as it’s completely out of character and just nonsensical), this line from Avengers: Age of Ultron taught us all two very important lessons:

  1. Sloppy writing and vision can mask the merits of even the best characters.
  2. It’s easy to forget just how wonderful Steve Rogers actually is as a character until we’re faced with an example of who he definitely isn’t.

“That is America’s ass.”

What’s sexier than a man fighting Nazis and other assorted bad guys in a spangly suit? One who’s body positive and loves all of his assets. The nod toward Steve’s hot ass is one of the best recurring jokes in the first half of Avengers: Endgame. But while it’s hilarious (especially the moment where Steve literally checks himself out after wrecking himself), it’s also refreshing to see a person celebrate their body. Sure, Steve Rogers isn’t lacking in the looks department, but that doesn’t mean he still can’t teach us all to love our bodies (while being sassy at the same time).

“Do you… fondue?”

It’s no secret that, at the beginning of The First Avenger, Steve Rogers does not know how to speak to women. Our queen and savior Peggy Carter even calls him out on it while they’re on their way to the Project Rebirth lab. This cringe-worthy Steve Rogers quote, along with a few others from the first half of the movie, is an extremely important lesson to men on how *not* to speak to or interact with women. (If you don’t believe me, pay closer attention the next time you’re talking to one.) Learn from Steve’s mistakes here, we women beg of you.

“So your body’s changing. Believe me, I know how that feels.”

I hope I’m not alone in thinking that, while it was one of the MCU’s top 10 films, the Captain America PSA moments during Spider-Man: Homecoming were some of its best and brightest moments. This particular line reminds us all of how hard Steve Rogers worked to make everyone feel included and seen, even at the most ridiculous of times. These short after-school specials, though hilarious, teach us how to level with others.

“I’m not looking for forgiveness, and I’m way past asking for permission.”

While he was never really meek, per say, it was this moment in Infinity War where Steve taught us all how to be assertive, others’ opinions be damned. Sometimes the input of others or the restrictions they put on us can keep us from making the right decisions or living up to our full potential. Here, Steve knew what needed to be done for the good of everyone. Not only that, but he knew that it was something that needed to be done, regardless of the social consequences. There’s a difference between being assertive and being demanding or bossy, and this Steve Rogers quote brilliantly illustrates that.

“This is the fight of our lives and we’re going to win. Whatever it takes.”

Steve’s motivational speech to the rest of the Avengers in Endgame is very reminiscent of his speech toward the end of Winter Soldier. He speaks of loss and sacrifice, but also of love and loyalty. This speech demonstrates that even when you think you have nothing else to lose or, perhaps, potentially nothing else to gain, you owe it to yourself and to loved ones to keep going. To keep fighting and believing in yourself.

“Is this a test?”

One of the small running gags in Captain America: The First Avenger is Steve asking if things are, in fact, actually tests. While they’re laughable, they demonstrate his constant requirement of context and angles in order to make decisions, which is a skill we could all use in our daily lives (what with social media making it easy to make snap decisions and join in on mob mentality at the drop of a hat). Knowing your surroundings is an important lesson and one that Steve Rogers taught us well.

“I’m just a kid from Brooklyn.”

Never forget who you are or where you came from. It’s a simple idea, but one that’s easily forgotten. That is, by people who aren’t Steve Rogers. Though he may become Captain America and one of the most famous heroes in the galaxy, he never forgets his past or who he is at his core where the serum couldn’t touch him. He has every right to be just as arrogant and confident as Tony Stark, but he isn’t. Steve Rogers teaches us all humility every time he’s on screen, and this quote serves as a reminder to us all of how we could use a little more of that in our daily lives.

“I can do this all day.”

As far as iconic Steve Rogers quotes go, this is definitely one of our all-time favorites. It’s repeated over multiple movies and really serves as a representation for who Steve is as a person. He’s not one to give up or even *think* about giving in. It’s an amazing display of character when there’s not one hit that can keep this man down. His perseverance is an inspiration to us all and will be one of his biggest legacies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (and in our lives) moving forward.

“I am Steve Rogers.”

Like the quote from Spider-Man: Homecoming, this one from Avengers: Infinity War serves as a reminder of how Steve Rogers taught us to treat everyone with respect (except for bullies, of course, but we’ll get to that). It doesn’t matter where they’re from. Steve took a few seconds in the middle of a huge battle to introduce himself to a tree-like creature without batting an eye because it was the polite thing to do. He knew what it was like to have people overlook him, and so he has led by example to never do the same to others.

“The price of freedom is high, it always has been. And it’s a price I’m willing to pay. And if I’m the only one, then so be it. But I’m willing to bet I’m not.”

Before Sam Wilson jokes in The Winter Soldier about whether or not Steve wrote his speech to the S.H.I.E.L.D. facility down first, this quote creates a truly powerful moment. It shows just how effective and moving we all can be when we just speak our truths from our hearts. This speech also shows just how far Steve will go to do what’s right, inspiring all of us to do the same if the occasion ever arises where we feel all but abandoned.

“I’ve got to put her in the water.”

Steve’s thoughts and actions in the last 10 minutes of The First Avenger taught us all about sacrifice. When Steve finally takes control of the Red Skull’s plane, the moment he realizes that there’s no turning back or safe landing sight is obvious just by looking at his face. He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders and knows that it’s up to him to make the hard call, even if that means he’ll lose out on his own happiness. Who’s to say what decisions any of us would make in his boots in that moment, but his sacrifice should inspire us all to do what’s right in every situation even if it isn’t easy.

“I had a date.”

Speaking of The First Avenger‘s emotional ending, Steve Rogers truly taught us all the meaning of heartbreak at the end of The First Avenger. While Peggy Carter’s emotional final transmissions to him over the radio are tear-inducing and gut-wrenching, it’s Steve’s final line of the movie that really drives the heartbreak home. Having just found out that he was asleep for almost 70 years, running through a New York City that’s foreign to him, and trying to come to terms with the fact that he didn’t die like he thought he would, the fact that Peggy and his feelings for her were the first things to come to mind is absolutely devastating. This is one quote that will never not trigger a flood of tears.

“I don’t want to kill anyone. I don’t like bullies; I don’t care where they’re from.”

Heroes don’t take people down because they want to; they do it because they need to or feel the responsibility to. One of the things that set skinny Steve Rogers apart from near-specimen Private Gilmore Hodge way back before Project Rebirth was his lack of thirst for blood. Steve doesn’t enjoy having to hurt others. That’s why he’s always trying to talk things out with his enemies. This is one of those Steve Rogers quotes that reminds us that war and being on the offense shouldn’t feel good.

“On your left.”

What starts as a courtesy in Captain America: The Winter Soldier later becomes a joke before eventually morphing into a way of signifying Sam and Steve’s friendship. Sure, it’s a simple, polite phrase meant to announce where you are if other people are unaware, but, like with many of the best Steve Rogers quotes, it becomes more than that. It shows how being courteous to everyone can gain you some of the best friends you’ll ever have. It’s no coincidence that this is one of the phrases I hear most when others are quoting Captain America. While it may seem inconsequential, it’s definitely one of Steve’s most powerful and memorable quotes.

“When I went under, the world was at war. I wake up, they say we won. They didn’t say what we lost.”

Have you ever seen those graphics that declare “America: Winning Wars since 1776” or “Back to Back World War Champs”? Steve Rogers wouldn’t approve of those. There are no clear winners or losers of wars just like good and bad can sometimes be subjective on where you’re standing. To win a war is to sacrifice and if we don’t acknowledge the sacrifice, then we haven’t earned the right to say we’ve won. This moment in The Avengers is the beginning of Steve instructing us on how to fight the hype, resist propaganda, and try not to follow others (the government included) blindly.

“Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?”

Okay, so while this one may not have a deeper meaning to it, it’s honestly still one of the best Steve Rogers quotes. Why? Because it’s so badass. While some (like Tony Stark or even Joss Whedon) have looked at Steve and seen a goody two shoes, he’s so much more than that. Just because he’s kind and compassionate doesn’t mean he can’t also be a badass. This quote (and hell, this whole scene from The Winter Soldier) drives that lesson home and makes it hard to enter an elevator now without thinking back on it. (And anyone who says otherwise is obviously lying.)

“‘Cause I’m with you ’til the end of the line.”

Loyalty. Kinship. Love. This single line evokes all of those things. It’s a testament to Steve’s bond with Bucky as well as how deeply he values his relationship. Though he’s done it a few times, Steve doesn’t just sacrifice himself for anything. He does it for those he believes in and loves. It’s the kind of connection and sense of loyalty that we all should strive for in our lives. When it comes to the best Steve Rogers quotes, this one definitely takes the cake (even though Bucky technically does sort of say it first).

“Avengers, assemble.”

Teamwork makes the dream work, my friends. Never forget that.


Which of these Steve Rogers quotes is your favorite?