In a new installment of “Ask Tina” over at, Tina Fey answers some burning fan questions about merchandising, Liz Lemon’s Emmy and where her career will go next.

“You’re watching ‘Ask Tina.’ My career’s almost over!” the 30 Rock star, headwriter and Empress deadpans before moving on to a few questions.

As it turns out, she hasn’t given much thought to merchandising all of 30 Rock’s various products. She is right in thinking that Cheesy Blasters or some custom Liz Lemon horn-rimmed’s would be an excellent investment though not investing in some authentic Kouchtown sofas was probably the right decision.

“Judd Apatow somehow owns all of Frank’s hats. I’m not very good with money,” she says.

She also answers just where the Emmy in Liz Lemon’s office came from because it is almost certainly not from Tracy’s “fart doctor” sketch.

“I’ve always sort of thought that it’s a daytime Emmy. She got it for writing a really specific category. Best regional promo for the show ‘The Mommy’s.’ Or writing jokes for Joy Behar of the View.”

Most importantly, however, she predicts how the next portion of her career will play out. She jokes that she will probably not write another book or TV show (and fear not, that is definitely not the case) but sees her fame playing out much like Darva Conger. For those who don’t share Fey or Liz Lemon’s love for obscure reality TV, Conger was apparently the winner of Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire? and is now divorced and working as a nurse in Northern California. A bold post-30 Rock choice to be sure.