Seeing as it’s Valentine’s Day today, we felt our readers might be on the prowl for some fandom specific Valentine’s Day cards. Check out 11 fandom themed Valentine’s Day cards that we created based on The Hunger Games, The Walking Dead, Harry Potter, Teen Wolf, Doctor Who, and more. Look no further for the perfect cards to send to those who share a mutual love of your favorite Hypable fandoms.

‘The Hunger Games’

‘Breaking Bad’

‘Star Trek’

‘The Walking Dead’

‘Breaking Bad’

‘Teen Wolf’

‘Harry Potter’

‘Iron Man’

‘Doctor Who’


‘The Dark Knight Rises’

Which was your favorite?

Did you have a favorite fandom themed Valentine’s Day card? If so, let us know in the comments and by voting in the poll below. Feel free to share your favorite card with your special someone today (or just because).

[poll id=”223″]

More Valentine’s Day Articles

Hypable has done its best to gear up for Valentine’s Day (with a loads of anti-Valentine’s Day treats as well), so check out some of our recent Valentine’s Day articles below:

Earlier this week we took a look at the best modern day couples in young adult fiction. Later we let fans in on why Valentine’s Day should just sod off!, and then explained why some of us are tired of love triangles in literature. We’ve also given readers nine anti-romance reads for Valentine’s Day in case you’re simply avoiding the holiday altogether this year (like the majority of us) and we’ve also laid out the six most romantic couples in literature.

Graphics created by Joshua Nealey and Camden Remington.