Zack Snyder has been talking about the possibility of more 300 movies, which could step out of Greece and take place around the world and across time.

300 was a cinematic adventure that adapted the story of the Greek warriors at the Battle of Thermopylae as they fought against the invading Persians. It wasn’t exactly historical in the strictest sense of the word, but if you like action films with epic, bloody deaths, this movie was a delight to watch.

The followup Rise of an Empire was directed by Noam Murro instead of Snyder, though he was involved, and didn’t quite make the same amount of splash as the original. Still, that’s not stopping Snyder from considering the possibility of several more 300 movies.

Speaking with Collider, the Batman v Superman director says, “We’ve been talking a lot about sort of different incarnations of 300. We’ve been talking about is there a way, possibly, we move out of Ancient Greece and use it as a framing device for other conflicts that happened throughout history.”

Remember those comments that Snyder wanted to make a movie about George Washington in the style of 300? They don’t seem so out of left field anymore. He continues, “I think I mentioned that we talked about the Revolutionary War version, and we talked about the Alamo, and we’ve talked about there’s a battle in China, a ‘Lost Legion’ kind of concept, any of those kinds of things are on the table.”

It would certainly be interesting to see how this style of movie could be applied to other battles and other wars, but do fans even want 300 to turn into an endless movie franchise? Considering Rise of an Empire didn’t do nearly as well (it took in about half of what the original did), who knows if fans will even show up to see what Snyder makes.

Then again, if he can freshen up the franchise and make it feel new again, there’s a shot. Plus, his name is certainly hot right now, considering he’s helming BvS. If the movie is a success, fans could be looking ahead toward Snyder’s next projects in a very big way.

Would you want to see additional ‘300’ movies?