Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice director Zack Snyder has reportedly called into a Detroit radio station to defend Aquaman’s powers and indirectly confirms his role in the film.

Some Detroit DJs on 97.1 were discussing Aquaman’s lack of superhero abilities this morning when the impossible happened: Zack Snyder called in to defend Aquaman.

The director of Batman v Superman, Man of Steel, Watchmen and 300 called a radio station in Detroit (where he’s filming Batman v Superman) because he felt Aquaman was being disrespected.

Talk about surprising, the DJs had a difficult time believing that it was actually Snyder on the phone, but we’ve listened to the audio and it’s clearly Snyder on the line.

During the call Snyder says that Aquaman is beyond strong, that his trident could easily cut Superman due to its incredible strength.

While Snyder wasn’t willing to give too much away, his passion about the character seems to confirm that the character is at least on his mind, when he’s currently filming with Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne on the streets of Detroit.

The Batman v Superman director said, “It’s not to say that he’s in the movie or anything like that, but he has the potential to be badass.” While it isn’t a confirmation that Aquaman will be in Dawn of Justice, it proves that the director has Aquaman on his mind, especially considering how defensive he seemed during the call.

If you’d like to hear the conversation between Snyder and the DJs at 97.1, feel free to listen to their entire conversation and decide for yourself whether it was the director and whether Aquaman will be in Batman v Superman.

It’s interesting that Snyder is so passionate about Aquaman as there have certainly been lots of rumors as to Aquaman being played by Game of Thrones’ actor Jason Momoa.

We wouldn’t be surprised if the superhero ended up in the Man of Steel sequel, but with that said, this film is getting incredibly full with multiple superheroes and villains.

Warner Bros. pushed Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’s release date to March 25, 2016 from its original release yesterday, in an attempt to avoid Marvel’s Captain America 3.