In Danny Boyle’s new movie, Yesterday, we see what happens when one man suddenly becomes the only one who has heard of the Beatles.

Imagine being a struggling singer-songwriter on the verge of quitting the pursuit of your dream, when one day you wake up and find the entire earth hasn’t heard of the Beatles. What would you do with the band’s huge catalog of songs?

The trailer for Danny Boyle’s new film, Yesterday, asks that very question. When Jack Malik wakes up to find that the entire planet has forgotten about the Beatles, he chooses to snatch up their repertoire for his own.

Jack, unsurprisingly, begins shooting to fame. However, as he becomes more and more famous, he risks losing the one thing he loves the most: his girlfriend, Ellie. With the window closing on Jack’s ability to return to his old life, he must choose between this new life of stardom or the love of his life.

It’s truly a unique idea behind Yesterday, and while the core idea sounds a bit funny, as the trailer goes on the movie pulls you in more and more. This is because the core struggle of the movie is one many of us can relate to on some levels: the desire to keep trying to fix a struggling relationship or break up.

But in addition to a unique storyline against the backdrop of a familiar struggle, Yesterday is also bringing us a pretty amazing soundtrack. With all new recordings of some of the most well-known songs out there, Whether you’re a huge fan of the Beatles or you haven’t really invested in their music, Yesterday looks like an adorable romantic comedy that shouldn’t be missed.

Yesterday will open in theaters across the U.S. on June 28.