Bryan Singer took a break from directing X-Men: Apocalypse to tell the world that the “Rogue Cut” of X-Men: Days of Future Past will be released in July!

On July 14 in the U.S., the special extended edition of X-Men: Days of Future Past will land in stores on DVD and Blu-ray, and online in digital HD.

The new cut of the movie will add 17 minutes of extra footage, which includes the Rogue (Anna Paquin) storyline that was cut from the original theatrical release.

While X-Men: Days of Future Past was generally met with good responses (including a four-star rating on IMDb and a stunning 91% critics’ rating on Rotten Tomatoes), eagle-eyed fans (…or just fans with normal eyes) immediately spotted a glaring omission: where was Rogue?!

One of our entry-point characters to the X-Men movie universe was almost completely absent from the otherwise action-packed (and star-specked) film, despite Anna Paquin appearing prominently on promotional material.

Related: X-Men: Days of Future Past blooper reel released

Before the movie’s release, director Bryan Singer warned audiences that the pivotal character’s role in the movie had been cut completely from the film, and despite Fox’s insistence that the character would appear, Paquin’s presence was limited to the smallest of cameos towards the end of the film.

Singer explained at the time that, “Through the editing process, the sequence became extraneous. It’s a really good sequence and it will probably end up on the DVD so people can see it. But like many things in the editing process, it was an embarrassment of riches and it was just one of the things that had to go.”

Beware of spoilers for ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’!

In an earlier cut of the film, Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) wounded Kitty Pryde (Ellen Page) too badly for her to maintain the time travel link, and Rogue was brought in to absorb Kitty’s power. In the theatrical version, Kitty rather abruptly recovered from her injury, and was able to keep Wolverine’s consciousness in the past without Rogue’s help.

But as you can see from the promotional art that Singer tweeted out, it looks like this Rogue plotline is back in the movie! It’ll probably be a nice moment between the two characters, who have always had a special connection (and Rogue finally gets to touch someone).

The theatrical release of the film also cut out the subplot in which Professor X, Magneto and Iceman went on a mission to rescue Rogue from the Sentinels. This would have given Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart a chance to share more screen time, and we’re hoping this mission makes it back into the Rogue Cut as well.

Will you be buying the Rogue Cut of ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ to see the additional 17 minutes of footage?