X-Men: Days of Future Past will be released on DVD/Blu-ray October 14, and today we have a new featurette with Jennifer Lawrence and Bryan Singer explaining Sentinels.

Earlier this week we saw two deleted scenes from X-Men: Days of Future Past, which will be featured on the film’s DVD/Blu-ray, and now we have a new featurette showing us how the Sentinels were created in the film.

Director Bryan Singer explains the logistics of having Sentinels on set, while Jennifer Lawrence explains how she’s stuck in the middle of two separate groups who want her character for different reasons.

Watch the featurette focusing on X-Men: Days of Future Past’s mechanical villains:

We remember back during the film’s production that Singer released an image of a gigantic Sentinel that they actually made for the film, which is seen in the video above. It’s pretty impressive that they made such a detailed model of the Sentinel so that actors could know what they were in for during the final battle sequences.

Of course if you’ve seen the film you know that Magneto ends up taking over the Sentinels with his ability to control metal, but the futuristic Sentinels were pretty incredible to witness in the future timeline.

Overall, they were interesting and unique villains for the mutants to deal with, aside from their creator played by Game of Thrones actor Peter Dinklage.

In related news we recently found out that X-Men: Days of Future Past‘s extended edition will be released in summer 2015, but more importantly an additional 10 minutes of footage will be added, including a storyline with Anna Paquin as Rogue.

Director Bryan Singer officially signed on to direct X-Men: Apocalypse earlier last week, the film’s sequel, which means we should start hearing more official reports concerning X-Men: Apocalypse over the next few months.

Let us know if you plan on picking up X-Men: Days of Future Past’s DVD/Blu-ray when it’s released on October 14.