A Wrinkle in Time has been a staple for countless children growing up. With the movie bringing it to a whole new generation, we’re looking back at some of the most inspiring A Wrinkle in Time quotes from the original novel.

Although Ava DuVernay’s adaptation of L’Engle’s classic story is not the first time that A Wrinkle in Time has hit our screens, it has inspired a whole new generation of children with its diverse take on the well-known tale.

Related: Why Ava DuVernay’s A Wrinkle in Time is so important

So, whether you’ve seen the new film or not – and we highly recommended that you do – we’ve compiled a selection of quotes from L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time that have inspired us over the years.

10 inspiring ‘A Wrinkle in Time quotes’

‘Like and equal are not the same at all.’ – Meg Murry

When facing down IT, who insists in Camazotz everyone is exactly alike and are equal, Meg serves this reminder. Like and equal are not the same. It was a very politically charged statement from L’Engle, and one that still holds true to this day, especially in the wake of several movements fighting for equality of minorities.

‘People are more than just the way they look.’ – Mrs. Murry

Mrs. Murry gives her daughter, Meg, this nugget of wisdom as she’s trying to parse just why Charles Wallace is different. It’s not just how someone appears on the surface, they contain multitudes, and they should never be judged solely on how they look.

‘There’s nothing left except to try.’ Mr. Murry

When all hope seems lost at retrieving Charles Wallace from the clutches of IT, Mr. Murry stands strong in the face of their dwindling chances. Giving up means letting IT win. So what is there left to do but try, try, try until the very end.

‘Only a fool is not afraid.’ – Mrs. Whatsit

As Meg, Calvin and Charles embark on their mission, Mrs. Whatsit remind them that fear of IT is natural. Of course, it is how you channel that fear and what you do next that sets you apart.

‘Experience is the mother of knowledge.’ – Mrs. Who

Mrs. Who always articulates herself through quotes, and this is one that inspires us to continue to seek out knowledge. After all, how will we ever gain knowledge if we never choose to learn and experience things from the world around us?

‘If you aren’t unhappy sometimes you don’t know how to be happy.’ – Meg Murry

We all face struggles in our lives. Some struggles are felt more keenly than others. But between those moments, we can still find happiness. In fact, as Meg says, if we are never unhappy, how do we know what happiness feels like?

‘The only way to cope with something deadly serious is to try to treat it a little lightly.’ – Mrs. Which

To cope with our difficult moments, ones that could feel almost insurmountable, sometimes a little levity goes a long way. It, of course, doesn’t make the situation any less serious, but it can help with approaching it and finding our way.

‘To love is to be vulnerable; and it is only in vulnerability and risk — not safety and security — that we overcome darkness.’ – Narrator

Opening yourself up to other people, no matter whether the love is romantic or platonic, can be terrifying. It, as the Narrator states, can leave you vulnerable. But without that risk, without allowing those people into your life, you may never know what could have been.

‘But of course we can’t take any credit for our talents. It’s how we use them that counts.’ – Mrs. Whatsit

We have our talents, all of us. Things that we seem to just have a knack or a gift for. But whatever that talent may be, it is how we use them that really makes a difference. It could be something small, like making someone laugh or smile, or you could change the world.

‘Nothing is hopeless; we must hope for everything.’ – Mrs. Who

Even when all seems lost. When the fight is hard, and long, and tiring, and seemingly endless. We must never lose hope. That’s how we make it through: hoping for a better tomorrow. For us, and for everyone.

Are there any quotes, or moments, from ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ that inspire you?