There are some 2013 moments that we would rather forget about.

It has been a year of ups and downs, and some of those downs are things we would like to forget had ever happened. There are moments, and then there are these worst moments of 2013, things so sad or horrifying or down right ridiculous that they need to be blocked out. Forever.

For more 2013 in review, check out our favourite movies of 2013, our favourite new TV shows of 2013, and make sure to vote in the 2013 Hypable Awards.

The worst moments of 2013

The end of ‘Breaking Bad’

Not the ending itself, the fact that it is over.

(But also because this wasn’t the real ending)

It all being a Malcolm in the Middle dream would have been all of our dreams come true.

Bitstrips overstaying its 15 minutes of fame

Let’s be real, no one cared about your cartoon inside jokes.

Everything about ‘Blurred Lines’

We’re not even going there. Safe to say, we won’t be missing this.

Miley Cyrus + VMAs + that foam finger

Not because she was too sexy (you go girl), mainly because it was weird.

And everything about Robin Thicke

Old dude singing horrible song while dancing with younger woman who is later blamed for the whole thing? Score one more point for “Blurred Lines.”

This song about ‘Chinese Food’

Keep your cultural appropriation to yourself next time, and leave the poor chinese food out of it.

When everyone freaked out because Jennifer Lawrence cut her hair

Good thing we can count on J.Hutch to recognise how ridiculous the whole thing was.

On page 2: ‘Community’, awards shows, and J.K. Rowling’s new book

Everything that happened on ‘Community’ season 4

Nope. Nope nope nope.

The three months when we didn’t know about JK Rowling’s secret book

We could have been reading The Cuckoo’s Calling in April!

The existence of ‘The Sound of Music Live’

We’re not sure what’s worse – the show, or the fact that it is only the first of many such productions on NBC.

When Bill Hader left ‘Saturday Night Live’

Stefon, it’s like we hardly knew you.

All award shows not hosted by the Fey/Poehler dream team

It’s official, we are now ruined for all awards shows.

(We’re looking at you, Seth MacFarlane at the Oscars)

We saw you do an ignorant sexist performance, but we didn’t sing a song about it.

The ordeal that was watching ‘Bound 2’

Close your eyes and pretend it never happened.

When yet another showrunner was fired from ‘The Walking Dead’

Go home The Walking Dead, you’re drunk.

On page 3: ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’, unnecessary spinoffs, and Beyonce

All of the sequels, to everything

Some of which were as unnecessary as this scene in Star Trek Into Darkness (but could definitely have been improved by a Patrick Star cameo).

Sequels just mean great original movies aren’t getting made

And it’s not like original ideas aren’t out there. Gravity proved that even a movie about a woman having hallucinations and a panic attack in space can be awesome. Get it together, Hollywood.

Any moment that involved twerking*

*Moments that included Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are exempt.

The downfall of Amanda Bynes

It’s like watching your childhood crumble before your eyes.

The weird assumption that Young Adult book = box office gold…

(Except for Catching Fire, which was perfection.)

…because ‘The Host’ kind of disproved that box office success theory

It really, really disproved it.

…as did ‘Beautiful Creatures’

Which is weird, because paranormal Young Adult romances have done so well lately. Oh wait, no, that was only Twilight.

…and ‘The Mortal Instruments’

City of Bones, more like, City of Bores.

When Chris Brown didn’t stand up for Frank Ocean

Also everything Chris Brown did this year. And ever.

The announcement of ‘How I Met Your Dad’

We have sat through Ted’s story for so many years. We are old. We are tired. We have stopped caring.

Every day when Beyonce didn’t release a surprise album

Because when Queen Bey is back, nothing else matters.