A mysterious Craigslist ad has popped up recently that would suggest there could be a Girls-inspired reality show. Plus, Lena Dunham had a recent interview that revealed tidbits about the future of Girls.

An “Emmy-Winning Reality TV Production Company” has posted an ad via Craigslist on the search for “twenty-something young women” from the ever-so-hip Brooklyn and lower Manhattan (especially those who frequent the L train). “Only well educated and cultured extroverts need apply,” it goes on to say, and they’re guessing that the women they cast will be trying to make it “as a writer, designer, entrepreneur, actress/model or glorified dog walker.”

Hello, real-life Girls! The ad even gives a shout-out to the HBO series. Though there isn’t any legitimacy to the ad/casting call, we definitely think there are plenty of young, cultured Brooklyn-ites living out the real Girls dream. It could be very interesting to watch!

Creator and star of the show Lena Dunham recently talked with Alec Baldwin on his radio show, “Here’s the Thing.” On it, she confirmed that there will in fact be a third season of Girls, which starts filming in March. The first season has already garnered the show two Golden Globes.

Baldwin asked Dunham about where she sees Girls ending up after it has run its course (she has a contract with HBO for six years as an actor). Dunham told Baldwin,

“The ideal finale to the show would be a feeling like, they don’t have to have kids, they don’t have to have husbands but you look at them and you kind of go, ‘They’re on their way, they’re more OK than they were when they started.’ Or they’re less OK but we have an understanding of what kind of adult we think they’re going to be.”

Dunham touched on body image as well, after receiving some flack from media outlets about her less-than-perfect figure. She said,

“I like playing a character who doesn’t have a perfect body but that’s not the main source of their anxiety. I feel like we have very few female characters on television who don’t look like models and aren’t constantly discussing it.”

Right on, Lena! We love you just the way you are.

Would you watch a Girls reality show? Or be in one yourself? What do you think of Dunham’s interview?