It’s a question on every Supernatural fan’s mind: when will Dean get his baby back? Showrunner Sera Gamble has the answer.

Gamble tells TV Line that,

You will eventually see the Impala again. He could never leave [her] forever! It breaks everyone’s heart, including ours. That’s one of the biggest loses of the season is that Dean can’t drive her.

That’s very reassuring to hear, considering that Dean has lost almost everything else!

Sera Gamble also addresses whether Chuck the prophet will ever return, saying that while she liked the way Eric Kripke ended his storyline,

I would certainly never say never. If somebody walked into the writers room tomorrow with a fantastic idea for an episode that needed him, we would do it immediately.

It would certainly ruin the theories that Chuck was God if he returned – unless God was finally going to make an appearance.