Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has promised that not everyone makes it out alive this time. The question is, which character or characters is he talking about?

Steven Moffat has once again reiterated regarding the Pond’s final episode on Doctor Who that “not everyone makes it out alive this time, and I mean it”. Given that he very specifically uses the word “alive” it seems that we are talking real death and not just a heartbreaking separation as were the cases with Rose Tyler and Donna Noble. So which death or deaths are likely? How will these losses affect the Doctor? Let’s take a look at the possibilities, and then vote.

Amy Pond (Karen Gillan)

To kill off Amy Pond would certainly set a precedent in Doctor Who. A long-term female companion has never died in the series. The last time a companion died was Adric, who was male, back in the Peter Davison years. His death was heroic and one of self-sacrifice so that others would live. He was also quite young, and his death had a profound impact on the Doctor and the remaining companions at the time. Given that it’s been over thirty years since a companion has died (and not be resurrected by some happenstance) it’s hardly been overdone.

Rory (Arthur Darvill)

Killing off Rory has become an ongoing, inside the Doctor Who joke. Many people refer to him as the “Kenny” of the series referencing the South Park character who frequently died and popped back to life. Now, granted, Rory has not died nearly as many times as Kenny; on the other hand, it’s not like it hasn’t happened more than once. Will Steven Moffat finally kill him once and for all? If Rory truly dies, how does that affect Amy, the Doctor, and their relationship?

River Song (Alex Kingston)

One of the very first things that we learn in Doctor Who is that time, unless it is a fixed point, can be rewritten. You can be born in the 20th century and die in the 19th. Would River sacrifice herself to save her parents? We already know that she would sacrifice herself to save the Doctor based on her past history. The question is, how fixed of a point in time is River Song’s life cycle?

Brian Williams (Mark Williams)

Brian Williams was just introduced as Rory’s dad this year. In only two episodes, he’s inspired a huge fan following. At one point he even questions the Doctor about the fate of various companions. The Doctor responds telling Brian that, “Some left me, some got left behind, and some…died.” He then goes on to state that Amy and Rory don’t die. So is this a lie, a half-truth, or is maybe Brian somehow going to meet his demise? Considering how well the Jenna-Lousie Coleman appearance in “Asylum of the Daleks” was kept, is it implausible to think that Mark Williams might make a reappearance in this episode?

The Red Shirt Wild Card (????)

This possibility would be a bit of a cop-out on Steven Moffat’s part. We meet many new characters on Doctor Who episodes. When Moffat says, “not everyone gets out alive” does Moffat mean a one-time-wonder akin to a Star Trek meaningless red shirt? If this is the case, our predication is there will be a fan revolt.

Now it’s time to vote. Who are your pick of picks for who meets there demise?

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